We Help People and Animals

We Help People and Animals, One at a Time, Over and Over Again
Miracle Microchips
By Becky Nelson, FieldHaven Volunteer
Earlier this year, I saw a Facebook post about a “found” cat. I was hopeful it was mine, but it wasn’t. Lee, the person who found the cat, and I worked together to get Mr. Mystery Kitty to FieldHaven to see if he was chipped, and he was!
We contacted the microchip registry, where it was discovered our mystery kitty was named “Tyler” and has been missing for five months! After a couple more phone calls, we found his human, David.
You can see in these photos that the two long-lost friends were so happy to be reunited.
Did you know FieldHaven Feline Center can provide low-cost microchips for your cats, kittens, dogs, and puppies to offer human family members a little peace of mind if their furry family members get lost? We also provide low-cost vaccines to keep them healthy. In 2017, we microchipped and/or vaccinated over 350 cats, kittens, dogs, and puppies in the community.
Spay/Neuter Assistance Program (SNAP) and Pet Food Pantry
By Lorraine Davis, SNAP Volunteer
I love to volunteer with the SNAP program because I can see how our program helps both at the individual level and for our community at large. Take Georgia, for instance. She’s been trapping, neutering, and releasing cats (called “TNR” in the feline business) for more than twenty years.
These cats have their ears “tipped” to indicate they are a great asset as a non-kitten producing, rodent-controlling member of our community.
Just like Mr. Tom Cat here, who is now ready to give up his man-about-town ways and live a leisurely life as a Rodent Ranger.
Of course, these Rodent Rangers do need to supplement their diet with some chow. FieldHaven helps with free food via the FieldHaven Pet Food Pantry. The Pantry assists those community members who care for feral colonies, as well as those who need temporary assistance.
Keep in mind that the food and spay/neuter services are provided at no- or very-low cost. In fact, FieldHaven spayed/neutered 611 community cats through our SNAP program in 2017, and those community cats don’t include the more than 1,000 cats and kittens we took into the shelter their year.
Watch a Video SShowing Our Last SNAP Day of 2017.
FieldHaven needs your help so we can keep helping people and cats like Georgia, David, and Tyler. Please donate today so we can continue our community programs tomorrow.