Tales of a Wild Cat
By FieldHaven Feline Center This story is a must-read, posted by an amazing local cat caregiver, Terri! Tales of a Wild Cat “Meet Ranger. He’s part of the feral colony
FieldHaven Feline Center’s Spay/Neuter Clinic Temporarily Halts Appointments
By FieldHaven Feline Center Lincoln, CA – In an effort to combat an overwhelming spay/neuter crisis, FieldHaven Feline Center is temporarily closing appointments at their Hathaway Spay Neuter Clinic. They
Happy Adopt-a-Cat Month!
By FieldHaven Feline Center Marketplace Donations Requested FieldHaven Marketplace has grown so much this past year. We are breaking sales and adoption records which means more cats helped and saved!
Dear Shasta Lake City Residents
By Joy Smith, executive director Dear Shasta Lake City residents, FieldHaven Feline Center (in Lincoln) learned of your animal shelter several years ago when Margie Payne (from Glenn County) introduced
Day 8 of the Mosquito Fire
By Joy Smith, executive director On September 6 at 6:35 PM, my phone dinged with the now-familiar Watch Duty alert of a new fire. The Mosquito Fire sparked on the
For the Love of Fospice
By FieldHaven Feline Center Do you know about fospice? It’s a combination of “foster” and “hospice.” Fospice is a foster home where kittens or cats will go if it has
Blecch…We are So Over COVID, But Not Quite Yet
By Joy Smith Well into month four of the COVID shut down, FieldHaven’s services to our communities are still limited. With the recent spike in positive COVID cases in Placer
COVID-19 Update: May 17, 2020
By FieldHaven Feline Center As many communities are moving towards opening up, we are getting asked each day, “When is FieldHaven re-opening?” There is no one-word, one-date answer. Opening all
Act Like a Cat
By Joy Smith #ActLikeACat to Beat COVID-19 These are very different times for us right now. For most of us, our busy lives have come to a slow crawl. We