Foster Homes Needed

Importance: The foster care program is vital to saving lives. Taking cats or kittens into foster care gives them an opportunity to be socialized. Without foster homes, we cannot rescue as many pets.
Time Involved: This will depend on the needs of each animal. Some foster cats/kittens are young or have health issues so it is important to understand the needs of each foster cat/kitten and how much time you have available. We can match you up with the appropriate foster cats/kittens depending on your time. Time required also depends on the number of animals fostered. The length of time you will foster also greatly depends on the individual cats or kittens. The foster period could be from two weeks to several months.

Lots of love goes both ways for a Foster Parent!
Qualifications: Most important is love and concern for pets. Time and desire to socialize pets. Willingness to provide food, water and medication, if necessary. Provide a clean living environment and daily care.
Expense Involved: FieldHaven will provide food, medical care and medications. Foster parents provide litter, toys and other items. We will also provide you with a Foster Kit of supplies you may need during the foster period.
Please contact us at (916) 434-6022 or see our foster page for more information. Lots of love goes both ways for a Foster Parent!