TNR the Town
A TNR Squad city-wide project
We’re TNRing the Town of Marysville
FieldHaven Feline Center and Marysville Animal Care Services have partnered to bring TNR the Town to Marysville (or “Meowysville,” as we’ve affectionately nicknamed the project). There are hundreds of community cats that will be Trapped, Neutered, and Returned (TNR) to their feeding stations and colonies so they will no longer reproduce.
Please note that this program is only available within the city limits of Marysville.
Do you live within the city limits (between the levees) of Marysville and have feral or community cats that need to be fixed? Complete a spay/neuter appointment request here. Spay/neuter for feral and community cats in Marysville is free for cats within city limits.
If you need help with cats in Marysville, click here.

Featured Videos
FieldHaven’s TNR the Town program highlighted on CBS Sacramento
Watch the Marysville City Council meeting to see how TNR is saving city taxpayer dollars.
Queen Latifa, one of our Marysville rescues, was a TV star on Hallmark’s Home and Family
What the Program Provides

Trap, Neuter, Return (TNR)
Cats throughout the city are being trapped then transported to a clinic for spay/neuter surgery, vaccines, microchipping, parasite treatment, and an ear tip. After surgery, the cats are returned to the location they were trapped at.

Feeding Station & Colony Management
Each location where cats congregate for food will be managed by colony caregivers.The cats will be monitored for new, unaltered cats arriving and illness or injury. Food will fed on a regular schedule and measured according to the number of cats at the station.

Kitten Fosters
While we TNR our way through the city there are lots (LOTS) of unplanned litters of kittens. Some kittens that are feral will be TNR’d but kittens that are suitable for foster and adoption programs need a place to stay until they are old enough for spay/neuter.

Community Education
For years, the cats around Meowysville have been a nuisance. We are taking our plan around town to tell residents and business owners what we’re doing and how they can help if they want.

Vaccine & Microchip Clinics
For cats and dogs, low cost clinics are offered several times a year.
How You Can Help
Contact Us
Give us a call at (916) 434-6022 or email us at [email protected]
Click here to fill out our Volunteer Application.
Kitten Fosters: We have motherless bottle babies, moms with litters, and playful weaned kittens. They all need a foster home until they are old enough to go into FieldHaven’s adoption program.
Colony Feeders: There are dozens of locations around Marysville where community cats congregate to get their daily chow. Feeders put out that chow along with fresh water and do a head count of who shows up for dinner.
Trappers: We have hundreds of cats in Marysville that need to make a life-changing trip to the spay/neuter clinic. Our trappers work together to safely and humanely capture the kitties so they can make that trip then return to their colony as a healthy, vaccinated, and microchipped community cat.
Transporters: We call it “Mewber.” Kitties need it to go back and forth to the spay/neuter clinic or to see a veterinarian. Often, we need Mewber with very short notice. Other times are scheduled for clinic days.
Fundraising: From cat food to cold hard cash, we need it to help the kitties in Meowysville.
Administration: While the glamour of helping kitties is gathering those little fluff balls in your arms or getting that tattered old tom veterinary care there is alway the admin side of things. We can’t do the glamour without it. Tracking fosters, scheduling veterinary appointments, data entry, recruiting, training and scheduling volunteers, running reports, making phone calls, tracking expenses – it’s all needed.
Outreach: There are thousands of people and businesses in Marysville who need to know about Meowysville/TNR the Town. Whether you like to reach out to people by phone, in person, or through media, if you love people and cats, we need you.
Special Thanks
Thank you to these organizations for providing grants to support FieldHaven’s programs in Marysville: