A Meowysville Update: TNR Marathon

On the night of September 12, 2019, our team in #Meowysville started a 24 hour TNR trap-a-thon. Over 40 kitties were trapped, 31 of which were spayed/neutered. Since some were already fixed, they were released after a quick look and microchip scan (to collect data from them). The rest were TNR’d back to their ‘hood and caregivers.
The Meowysville TNR the Town Project is a partnership with Marysville Animal Care Services to spay/neuter the hundreds of stray cats that have freely bred for years. Thank you to Marysville City Council and Marysville Police Department for supporting this effort. Additional funding is provided by Glide Foundation, Thelma Doelger Trust for Animals, Maddie’s Fund, and your donations.