Saving the Siamese

Big Day of Giving is this Thursday and we’re asking for your support to help us give more second chances and save more lives.
This is the first photo we took of one of three adorable Siamese kittens who needed help. It may not be the most compelling image, but something about it captured our hearts.
It began when a social worker reached out because a client was in over their head. The house needed work, and the cats were not in the best living conditions. They needed our help, and fast.
Martie, Emily, and Laura were relinquished to our care the same day we visited the home. They appeared fine at first, but then we noticed some signs of illness.
It started as an upper respiratory infection. This is common when there are multiple cats in one crowded space. We began treating them, and watched for anything more severe. Through it all, they were incredibly social, sweet, and charming.
Then we noticed some lesions on their skin. We ran a couple of tests to confirm our suspicion. Ringworm. Now they would need an entirely different protocol of care, and in quarantine nonetheless. We knew they would likely be with us for a while. Ringworm doesn’t always go away quickly.
The good news was that it was (and is) easily treatable. The bad news was that these three would have to remain in quarantine while being treated because it is so highly contagious to other pets and humans.
While we continue to care for Martie, Emily, and Laura, the good news is they are otherwise happy and healthy.
Ringworm is not scary or life-threatening, rather, it’s a very basic skin infection that just takes time to clear up. That’s why we’re determined to enhance our ringworm program. If we can provide a better quarantine space, with sunlight and a secure outdoor area, we can offer increased enrichment while still safely treating simple medical needs such as this one, and that’s why your support for Big Day of Giving means so much.
Your support for Big Day of Giving allows us to continually better our programs, directly impacting the lives that we save. You can be part of the team that is giving Martie, Emily, and Laura a second chance!
Big Day of Giving is THIS Thursday, May 2. Donate now, or wait until Thursday, but please, donate! Here’s how to help, and THANK YOU!
- Donate online using this link. Online gifts are preferred over other donation methods because we can win extra cash prizes for the cats!
- Donations must be a minimum of $10.
- Rally your networks to give during Big Day of Giving with a fundraising page! Just click the “fundraise” button at this link and follow the prompts, then share with your friends, family, colleagues, and neighbors so they can help cats too!
- Let your networks know that you support FieldHaven by sharing our Facebook and Instagram posts or by creating and sharing a fundraising campaign. A good word from YOU is the most meaningful way for us to spread our mission!
P.S. Martie, Emily, and Laura are incredibly sweet kittens who could use a foster home while their treatment continues. If you would like to find out more about becoming a ringworm foster family, let us know. Fill out the foster form to get started, and these three stunning Siamese kittens could be in your home before you know it!