An Amazon Box Full of Kittens

Sometimes, a rescue happens when you least expect it… and for four tiny kittens, the timing made all the difference.
Big Day of Giving is in two weeks but early giving starts today, and we need your support to help Ebi, Ellen, Elsa, and Evie.
At just a couple of weeks old, these four tiny kittens were found in an Amazon box by two teenage girls. If they hadn’t been found, we’re almost certain they wouldn’t be where they are today.
The girls were driving by Lincoln High School when they saw the closed Amazon box, with tiny holes punched in the sides of it, on the side of the road. They stopped immediately and went to see what was inside. Cautiously, they opened the lid, finding a pile of tiny kittens, motionless and quiet.
They knew FieldHaven Feline Center was a short distance away, so they rushed them to us. Sadly, a fifth sibling was deceased upon their arrival, but our team quickly jumped into action to save the remaining four kittens.
They were tiny, weighing about 6 ounces each. They were hungry, cold, and dirty. We bathed them, warmed them up, and made sure they had nice full bellies. We had no idea how long they had been in that box. Our hearts broke for the one who didn’t make it, but we were going to give it our all to make sure the remaining kittens pulled through.
Today, the four kittens are in foster care living their best life. They are playful, silly, and entertaining. They welcome new adventures and warm laps. They appreciate big bowls of food, cozy places where they can pile atop one another and catnap, and kind humans. They were saved unexpectedly, and only because everything aligned to make sure they were given that second chance.
When you donate for Big Day of Giving, you’re helping us provide for Ebi, Ellen, Elsa, and Evie.
Your support is what allows us to say yes in unexpected times.
Our safety net is not about just taking in cats, adoptions, or foster care. It’s bigger than that. We are here for those who need us the most, like four kittens discarded in a box with no idea who left them or why.
Big Day of Giving is on Thursday, May 2. It’s 24 hours of giving to nonprofits in our area—and we hope that FieldHaven Feline Center is one of them! When you give to us, you are giving to Ebi, Ellen, Elsa, and Evie and all the kittens like them who need our safety net.
Are you ready to help us save more lives?!
Donate early, or donate on Big Day of Giving, but please, donate!
- Donate online using this link. Online gifts are preferred over other donation methods because we can win extra cash prizes for the cats!
- Donations must be a minimum of $10.
- Rally your networks to give during Big Day of Giving with a fundraising page! Just click the “fundraise” button at this link and follow the prompts, then share with your friends, family, colleagues, and neighbors so they can help cats too!
- Let your networks know that you support FieldHaven by sharing our Facebook and Instagram posts or by creating and sharing a fundraising campaign. A good word from YOU is the most meaningful way for us to spread our mission!
We are here to save kittens like Ebi, Ellen, Elsa, and Evie, but we can only do it with your support. Thank you for consistently standing by us so that we can continue doing good in our community.
P.S. We appreciate you so very much, and are so thankful that we have you to enable us to save kittens like Ebi, Ellen, Elsa, and Evie!
P.P.S. These kittens are not yet available for adoption (because we know you’ll ask).