12 Saves of Christmas: Day #10 – Pretty Girl

Each day, we’ll share one of FieldHaven’s 12 most heartwarming cat saves of 2021. Each happy story was made possible through your generosity!
Pretty Girl was born outside, and took it upon herself to find a family and a home. Because she wasn’t used to human companionship, it took time, but she was young, and once she bonded with her new person, she flourished.
For five years, Pretty Girl had a beautiful countryside to roam during the day, then came inside at night. Just this year, her person found herself needing to move out of state to a rental with strict pet policies. Devastated and unable to keep Pretty Girl, she reached out to FieldHaven for help.
We worked for months alongside her person to try and find a suitable home. We had some challenges—Pretty Girl wanted access to outdoor space, couldn’t be around other cats, and would take quite a bit of time to relax and accept a new companion.
With a shrinking timeline, we knew we had to make room at the shelter for Pretty Girl. We took her in, promising to do our best.
It didn’t work. She stopped eating, hid from us and wouldn’t let us come near her.
We were patient. We kept trying.
Then, a breakthrough. She began to accept our staff and volunteers reaching out to pet her, came forward for treats, and reached her paw out to us.
Within days after being at the shelter, we found a foster home. They immediately loved her, and today, though she still hides, she loves attention, purrs nonstop, and snuggles under the covers in bed with them at night.
Here’s the thing. All of these solutions and programs to help cats and people are because of you. We know that not everything will work for everyone, so we think outside the box. We ask for help. We utilize fosters instead of crowding our shelter space. You make this happen. Your donations fund these efforts.
With just over a week left in 2021, we ask for your continued support.
Holiday donations are matched up to $60,000 and that means that every $5 donation becomes $10—we know all of you can give even just that!
Please, donate right now to keep our programs going so that we can continue to help more cats. Thank you, from all of us, and we wish you a wonderful warm holiday.
– Joy Smith, executive director of FieldHaven