12 Saves of Christmas – Smokey Doodle – FieldHaven’s Heartwarming Save #12

12 Saves of Christmas – FieldHaven’s Heartwarming Save #12: Smokey Doodle
Each day, we will share one of FieldHaven’s 12 most heartwarming cat saves of 2020. Each happy story was made possible through your generosity!
The difference from the first photo of Smokey Doodle to the second photo was about an hour, the right housing for a cat and some TLC.
The first photo was taken in small shelter with caring staff, but inadequate space to house cats well. Smokey Doodle was extremely stressed there and so frustrated and upset by his circumstances that staff could not even open the cage to care for him.
Fortunately, the staff reached out to FieldHaven for help. When FieldHaven agreed to take Smokey Doodle, it took some wrangling but the staff got Smokey Doodle into a carrier and delivered him to FieldHaven Feline Center.
As soon as he arrived and was released from the carrier it was as though Smokey Doodle knew he was going to be OK. He walked right out the carrier and let me gather him into my arms. Just look at his gorgeous, luminous bicolor eyes!
He is a declawed cat, which probably contributed to his reaction at the other shelter. Declawed kitties can feel defenseless and try to defend themselves in other ways.
Smokey Doodle’s person passed away recently, which is how he came to be in the shelter.
We found Smokey Doodle the perfect home. He needed a skilled cat person – someone who understands why he sometimes gets grumpy. And a nice quiet home without children or dogs. Smokey was adopted by Mark Glickman, sponsor of the Hathaway Surgery Suite, Camp Joe Willie in our 2nd Chance Ranch facility and the Hathaway Cat Resource Center in Marysville.
I am so proud of the little shelter that reached out to me to ask for help. They knew this kitty needed extra help. Not that long ago, a cat like Smoky Doodle would have been euthanized for aggression and, in some places, that would still be the case.
Shelters simply are not good places for cats. They don’t handle the stress and confinement well and death can be the result of a misunderstanding of their fear. At FieldHaven, we love helping people and other shelters deal with cases like Smokey. It is a gift to be able to make a difference for animals in need.
I hope you feel the blessing of this gift, too, as truly YOU make the help these cats receive possible. You can feel good knowing the lifesaving difference your donations make for cats in need, like Smokey Doodle.