Blecch…We are So Over COVID, But Not Quite Yet

Well into month four of the COVID shut down, FieldHaven’s services to our communities are still limited. With the recent spike in positive COVID cases in Placer County, specifically Lincoln, we appreciate more than ever that we must remain cautious and vigilant in protecting the health of our community.
We are anxious, as you are, to resume at least part of what life was like at FieldHaven pre-COVID, but it is not worth the consequences if we jump in too soon. Thus, we are remaining closed for the most part.
Here is the operational status for each of our locations and programs.
FieldHaven Feline Center – Main Shelter
The shelter is still closed to the public, except for appointments for the following:
Adoptions – View adoptable cats and kittens here. If you are interested in adopting kittens, we recommend you complete an adoption application form. Our adoption team will contact you when kittens become available.
Spay/Neuter – The Hathaway Spay/Neuter Clinic is beginning to resume operations on a limited basis. Capacity has been decreased to comply with safety guidelines for our staff, volunteers, and the public. At this time, we are only doing community cats and kittens who have previously been adopted unaltered. If you have an adopted kitten that needs spay/neuter, we will contact you to schedule. If you have community cats needing to be spayed/neutered, please complete an appointment request form.
Vaccine and Microchip Clinics – Due to the close contact nature of doing these clinics, they are suspended until further notice.
Owner Surrender of Cats – We no longer accept owner surrenders and will not for the foreseeable future. We have introduced the Meow & Forever program to help people rehome their cats right from their homes.
Kittens – Kitten season in full force is especially crazy this year with the pause in spay/neuter. Due to the ongoing reduction in staff and resources, our foster program does not have as much capacity this year. We are heavily leaning on the community to help us help kittens. The Kitten Sitter program has created an army of people who are willing to lend a hand with our guidance. Kitten Sitters will likely continue at least through the end of the year and probably will become a permanent even after the COVID crisis is past.
Pet Food Pantry – We have set up a temporary Pet Food Pantry at FieldHaven to drop off donations of dog and cat food and supplies. Just inside the gate, there is a green shed. You can deliver your donations there. No appointment necessary.
Hathaway Cat Resource Center – Just as COVID launched into our lives, interrupting everything, we were preparing to announce a grand new initiative – FieldHaven’s Hathaway Cat Resource Center. Based in Marysville, the Resource Center provides a center of operations for our partnership with Marysville Animal Care Services to “TNR the Town” of Marysville. The goal is to also provide resources for other communities who want to follow this successful model. The Resource Center is functioning in a limited capacity until we can unveil and celebrate the new venture.
FieldHaven Marketplace
FieldHaven Marketplace – By far, we get the most questions every day from Marketplace customers. “When will the Marketplace open?” “Are you accepting donations?” Because the Marketplace raises revenue to support all our programs, having it closed has really affected us – plus, you all do not get your shopping fixes! We have been doing virtual sales and thanks to your great shopping support, that has been going so well! We did two sidewalk sales last month that were very successful. We were planning on opening up for limited shopping, but with the recent uptick of cases in Placer County, especially in our own community, we have postponed any plans for opening to walk-in customers. We continually reassess the COVID situation and we will plan for reopening as soon as it’s safe. In the meantime, please shop virtually.
Some donations are being accepted by appointment. At this time, we cannot accept clothing. To schedule an appointment to deliver donations, send an email.
Here is a video guide to what donations we accept:
Our staff and volunteers are here to continue helping our community in a myriad of ways. While much of our in-person services are limited, there is no limit to the number of people and cats we can help through Community/Cat Assistance Team (CAT). Volunteers and staff eagerly help people through phone calls, emails, and social media. The number of cases opened each day has gone up since COVID struck so there is no lack of work in that area. In fact, if you like cats, solving problems and people then being a volunteer on our CAT Crew may be just the thing for you. Don’t live in Lincoln? That’s OK. Like the rest of the country, our CAT Crew has gone remote! If you are interested, email Angie Barreto at [email protected]
We are as committed as ever to you and the cats in our community. By being creative, flexible, and determined we all get through these challenging times together.
We will keep you updated as things change.
Thank you for your support and faith,