Valentine’s Fundraiser with Animal Intuitive July Berrin

Animal Intuitive July Berrin began communicating with animals when she was a young child. She now consults with clients worldwide, her clients contacting her from all walks of life, from celebrities, to New York police officers, to nonprofits. July has a deep love for all beings and an innate desire to be of service to both people and animals.
July is volunteering her skills to calm the frightened Camp Fire cats in FieldHaven’s care. With her assistance, we’ve seen significant progress in how these cats interact with their human foster families as well as other cats.
July has generously offered to do private readings via telephone (as she’s done for FieldHaven). July will donate half of her fee back to FieldHaven for any session booked between February 14th and March 14th.
Simply email [email protected] with “FieldHaven” in the subject line to inquire about a session and ensure that FieldHaven receives the donation.
Visit for more information and pricing.
Love and Understanding
“When CF113 came to me as a foster he was very traumatized. Not having experienced the horrible fire he ran through, I couldn’t begin to realize the magnitude of his fears. July’s reading helped me understand the shock that 113 was reliving over and over. Her unique ability to communicate with 113 gave me direction in how to help him. I am convinced that July opened his heart to begin the long process of healing. I am grateful for her Wisdom.”
– Scout Valentine
Testimonial from Lisa and Bella
“July can talk to your animals and share the animals’ knowledge with their human family. Often, when working with friends of mine to whom she is talking to for the first time, July will communicate with their animal and learn something that she could not possibly have known on her own. At times, people may not realize the degree to which their animals understand them and the depth of the bond that exists, and can be seen so clearly through July’s communicative abilities. And people who worry about their animals begin to see that behavior they have thought was worrisome really means something different.”
– Lisa