Tiny Lives Saved Because of You

There’s just one more day until Big Day of Giving, and we’re excited for your support—not to mention, we need it. We’ve taken in some very special kittens recently, all with different stories from different walks of life. As you can imagine, they all require a specialized plan to set them up for success in the future.
Darrow and Dashell are just two of those kittens. They were born in a backyard not even three weeks ago. The homeowner wanted to help but was extremely allergic to cats and she wasn’t sure what to do. She contacted FieldHaven, and we advised her of the one critical rule of kitten season, “Don’t kit-nap the kittens!”
It’s true. If you find kittens, you first want to wait and watch for Mom. She is likely out hunting for food and will come back to care for them. Kittens have the highest success rate if they can remain with Mom, so making sure she is in the picture before doing anything drastic is so important. It’s when Mom doesn’t return that you want to get involved – and that’s what this homeowner did.
She waited about 12 hours but there was no sign of Mom. The kittens were crying, clearly hungry. She then called us back, asking for help. We quickly found an experienced foster home and got these two nearly newborns to safety.
Today, they are thriving. They are fed around the clock, every two hours. They get messy and they scream and their tiny claws are like needles. They require constant care because they are still unable to do most everything on their own, but they are safe and loved.
Big Day of Giving is tomorrow, May 2, and when you give to us, you’re giving to Darrow and Dashell and the many kittens like them who need our help. Darrow and Dashell wouldn’t have made it on their own, but we were able to give them a second chance.
So visit our special Big Day of Giving donation page to make your gift, whether today or tomorrow. Darrow and Dashell are standing by to offer their tiny high-five of appreciation (and so are we).
P.S. We’ll be very active on our social media pages for the next couple of days. Let everyone know you support FieldHaven by sharing our Facebook and Instagram posts. Your support is a GREAT way to spread our mission! Thank you in advance!