12 Saves of 2023 #4: Miriam

Sweet, gentle, loving Miriam celebrated her first birthday in May. She was a young mom, and tragedy should not have struck her—but it did. While she was roaming her normally peaceful neighborhood, as she did every day before going home to care for her kittens, she was shot. Not once, but twice.
Thankfully, she’s a fighter. She loved her kittens so much that she bypassed any pain. She picked herself up, dragged her back leg behind her, and walked home. She crawled into the bed with her babies. She fed them, purring the whole time. She made biscuits and smiled her kitty smile, and if you didn’t look closely, you wouldn’t have even known she was injured.
Her caregiver reached out to FieldHaven for help. She brought the entire family to us, and we rushed them all to Companion Veterinary Clinic.
X-rays confirmed that Miriam was shot twice in the back leg. One of the bullets shattered the bone so badly she needed to have the leg amputated—immediately. She was given some heavy pain medication, and because we didn’t want her kittens to be exposed to those medications, we had to also separate their little family.
Surgery was a success, and it wasn’t long before she was reunited with her kittens. Through it all, Miriam remained happy, kind, and appreciative of everything she was given. Her kittens were adopted into wonderful homes, and then, it was her turn. Her new person kept her name and says Miriam filled a void in her heart, helping her recover from her own injury—a broken ankle. She said that Miriam saved her and she was so glad she could save Miriam.
We share these stories with you because rescue work requires a village and YOU are our village. We value life, we don’t judge even when we want to, and we love unconditionally. We’ve said that all year long, and now, we’re celebrating all of those decisions—because that has given cats like Miriam the chance to share this holiday season with all of us.
Happiest of PAWlidays,
– Joy Smith, executive director of FieldHaven
Spread Holiday Cheer: Donate Today!
P.S. If you want to give a gift this holiday season to help more cats like Miriam, we can’t tell you how grateful we would be! Donate online at this link or mail a check to FieldHaven Feline Center, 2754 Ironwood Lane, Lincoln, CA 95648. Every amount makes a difference! Thank you so MERRY much!