Rodent Rangers to the Rescue!

If you rescue a Rodent Ranger, she will rescue you right back…guaranteed!
Rodent Rangers are cats who like to have a purpose. They are proud of their “catness,” namely catching rodents. They may or may not think humans are cool to hang out with, but they appreciate the safe shelter those humans offer. Simply put, they fall into the gap between feral cats and lap cats.
Rodent Rangers provide organic exterior pest control in exchange for a safe living and working environment, which is a pretty great deal for all involved. Here is how you can help.
FieldHaven has been on the front lines rescuing and recovering Camp Fire cats since November 8. We still are! To date we have helped more than 500 cats get out of the fire zone, with the goal to reunite them with their families. Unfortunately, some cats remain in our shelters unclaimed more than five months after the fire. Some kitties are determined to be feral and are released back to their ‘hood to be cared for by dozens of volunteers who feed the community cats. Others are presented for adoption by FieldHaven or our partners.
Then we have those not too feral and not too sweet, the Rodent Rangers. We are looking for placement for several Camp Fire cats as Rodent Rangers. Do you have a barn, garage, winery, garden, warehouse, stable, brewery, ranch or yard that would be a good home for some Camp Fire survivors? In return for a safe place to live and some kitty chow, you can have your own organic critter control!
View this album of available Rodent Rangers to pick out your new rodent removal partner. Then email [email protected] to let her know which ranger you want. You can save a little time by filling out the Rodent Ranger Survey first.