I’m a Writer!

Meow. This is your old reliable FieldHaven feline writing pal, Hot Rod.
I just happened to find my staff mom’s cell phone again, as it was accidentally left in my cat bed – that’s my story and I’m sticking to it. Anyway, I got a call from FieldHaven volunteer, Maureen Moss. Maureen said that Uncle Jared was behind in submitting this month’s “Hot Rod’s Story.” I replied that I would take matters into my own capable paws and write it myself.
A couple of weeks ago, I was boarded at Bear River Vet Clinic in Wheatland. I’m getting tired of being boarded every time my staff mom goes out of town. I don’t understand why in the world I can’t just go with her – this would eliminate my boarding fees (I hope you’re reading this, Staff Mom). I talked to Uncle Jared about my feelings during our ride back from Wheatland. He said he didn’t think I was being fair to her. Everyone needs to get away and have fun occasionally.
On this ride back from Wheatland, Uncle Jared was listening to a CD of old Irish songs. When the song “Tura Lura Lura” started playing, he began singing the song to me. I hate to tell you, he was putting me to sleep! He didn’t like the fact that his singing had that effect on me, but it was an Irish lullaby. I told him that if he wanted me to be awake, he’d have to up the tempo a bit.
Once I was back at FieldHaven, my staff mom was very happy to see me home, but I gave her the cold shoulder. Uncle Jared saw this and told me that I should act better than that. I let Uncle know that my staff mom and I would work it out later in the day (we always do).
Construction on the new shelter will begin shortly, and Aunt Joy and my staff mom have promised that I’ll have priority in selecting my new quarters. If I see other occupants occupying my favorite spot, I’ll tell them, nicely, to move along.
Hot Rod