Cead Mi Failte

Cead Mi Failte

Hello to all of my FieldHaven sponsors and friends! This is none other than the smartest feline at FieldHaven.

St. Patrick’s Day is coming up and it’s my uncle Jared’s favorite day of the year. I asked him to teach something in Gaelic and last Monday he taught me “Cead Mi Failte.” This means “one hundred thousand welcomes” in English. It was a very tough phrase to learn but by the end of the day, I had it down cold. I’m so smart!

This month’s been a little tough for me, having some bouts of intestinal troubles. On the plus side, my relationship with Uncle Jared has improved. I have been nicer to him and have even thrown in a “purr” now and then. He’s shown me that he is grateful for my change in attitude towards him, but I think he’s waiting for the other shoe to drop, as they say. This is good because it will keep him on his toes, as far as our relationship goes. I can use this in the future, as we have a new arrival named Blackie Sparks and he and Uncle Jared are becoming quite good friends. Hmmmm.

I guess that is about all for now, but I do want to wish all of my FieldHaven fans and supporters a very Happy St. Patrick’s Day.

Cead Mi Failte to all!
Hot Rod

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