Failure Can be a Positive Thing

Failure is usually very depressing, but being a “foster failure” makes you so happy it’s hard to find words to describe it! The term refers to foster parents who’ve decided to give a forever home to one (or more) of the cats or kittens in their care. FieldHaven’s Foster Program extends the shelter’s capacity to provide a safe haven for homeless cats and kittens until they are old enough, or in some cases, healthy enough to be adopted.
FieldHaven provides food, medical care, and lots of support for foster parents whenever problems arise. Foster parents provide lots of love and toys, transportation to FieldHaven for vaccinations and other medical treatment, and litter, of course. Sometimes, they also take their kitties to PetSmart and other adoption events.
Foster parents are not expected or required to adopt any of their kitties, but it goes with the territory because you fall in love with them. Sometimes there’s a special one that tugs at your heart, and you just can’t let him or her go, and another “foster failure” joins the club.
If you’d like more information about the joy and fun of being a foster parent (we always need more), please contact Courtney Nunes at [email protected] or call (916) 434-6022. Kitten season is just around the corner and we desperately need foster homes! Typically, half of the cats under the care of FieldHaven at any given time are in foster homes. Join the Foster Frolic and help us save lives!
This article was written by FieldHaven volunteer and foster mom, Jen Rosenbrook. Jen is a “foster failure” to Dovey (below) a beautiful girl who had an eye condition as a kitten that left her partially blind in one eye. Jen has fostered dozens of kittens and cats for FieldHaven, but Dovey was that one special kitty that she couldn’t let go. As Jen mentions, being a foster parent does not mean you should ever feel obligated to adopt one your charges, sometimes, there is one that you just can’t give up.