12 Saves of 2023 #7: Mackster

Sometimes, bad things turn out to have wonderful results. Community cat caregiver, Amy started feeding Mackster on her property when his owners at an apartment complex down the street moved and left him behind. She had him neutered through FieldHaven’s TNR program and kept an eye on him over time—in fact, her devotion to her cat colony probably saved Mackster’s life!
This time last year, Mackster was looking a bit rough, then he showed up with a gaping hole in his head. She immediately reached out to us for help. We took him in, patched up his wounds, and offered him a temporary residence while he recovered. He also needed an extensive dental surgery, so we added that to his list one he was recovered from his first challenge.
Throughout his time with us, we noticed something special about him. Mackster was not meant to be a street cat. He was incredibly affectionate, came running to anyone who wanted to talk to him, and started purring and making biscuits immediately when he got attention. It was clear to us that Mackster was done with outdoor life and just wanted a cozy place indoors where he could hang with people all day long.
Then several months later Mackster’s future changed forever.
Kimberly works at Best Friends Animal Society and she first saw Mackster on our Facebook page, when, ironically, she was headed to the Best Friends Sanctuary. She felt an instant connection and reached out. Could she meet him? Could she adopt even though she lived in Boston? We spoke to her and knew she would be a great fit. Her excitement for Mackster was contagious! She scheduled a time to come meet him in person and it was love at first sight! His jet-setting cross-country trip back to New England was a success, and since then, he’s been living his best life.
We’ve told you we treat everyone as an individual and that we will do whatever we can to give someone a second chance. Mackster’s former life on the streets may be a mystery, but the fact that he showed up in Amy’s colony, and then at FieldHaven, was meant to be. We’re asking that you donate to FieldHaven this holiday season to help those who need it the most, like Mackster. Every amount matters and every penny counts. You helped us save Mackster—and for that, we are incredibly grateful.
Happiest of PAWlidays,
– Joy Smith, executive director of FieldHaven
Spread Holiday Cheer: Donate Today!
P.S. If you want to adopt your very own Mackster, you can! We have cats and kittens each with their own unique story just the right family. We’ve reduced adoption fees this month, and have several adoption venues, so what are you waiting for? Visit one of our locations and create YOUR happy ending for a cat today!