12 Saves of Christmas #8: Madrid

Back in May, a Good Samaritan was driving and came across a kennel on the side of the road. It was along Highway 65 somewhere near Beale Air Force Base. She stopped, and upon finding a mama cat and five kittens inside, immediately reached out to a friend, Kim, who was also a FieldHaven volunteer.
Kim contacted FieldHaven right away. She brought the mama, who we named Madrid, and her little family to our shelter. They were healthy, friendly, well-fed, and had collars on. The kennel was new… but given the mess inside it appeared that they had been on their own for a short while. It broke our hearts, but at the same time, someone had tried to provide for them.
Our team tried our hardest to find their family, but no one came forward. We didn’t want to think the worst, but we also had to think about their future. We provided wellness checks, vaccines, a cozy place to stay, and plenty of playtime. We made sure their bellies were full, and that they knew they were loved. Then they went into a foster home so we could get everyone ready for adoption.
The kittens were easily adopted once they were ready, but mama Madrid took a bit of time. Finally, a few months later, it was her turn! The woman who adopted her said it had been years since she had a cat, yet she just knew that Madrid was the one!
We couldn’t ask for a better outcome for this little family, yet it’s also troubling that it started the way it did. There are always solutions better than abandonment. We help cats, but also their people—because that is what makes the biggest impact in and around our community. Your donations this holiday season will spread goodwill and cheer today, tomorrow, and in the future. We’ll help more cats like Madrid by saving them, and also, preventing situations like that in the first place—all thanks to you.
Spread Holiday Cheer: Donate Today!
P.S. We always appreciate donations during the season of giving and love, but also, we have so many cats like Madrid who need a home! Right now, we have free and reduced-fee adoptions and longer adoption hours. It’s an effort to place all of our cats in the loving homes they deserve. Won’t you consider adding to your family?