You Helped Save Mitch!

Mitch was just a tiny kitten when he was found with his sibling, all alone in a bank parking lot. Jessica, a long-time colony caregiver in Marysville, knew these kittens were not part of her colony and could only assume they had been dropped off by someone who didn’t know what to do with them. She scooped them up and cared for them overnight while making arrangements to take them to FieldHaven Feline Center the next day. They were given a clean bill of health and placed in a loving foster home. Two days later, everything changed.
At nearly midnight, the frantic foster family called us, because Mitch had stopped using his back legs, but was still otherwise active, eating, and alert. In the morning, he was rushed to a partner veterinary clinic as soon as it opened. Mitch was as spunky as ever, and the X-rays didn’t reveal anything out of the ordinary. Upon closer examination, the vet team noticed a swollen spot near his spine and hindquarters. He was given antibiotics to reduce the swelling and was sent home for supportive care, under guidance to call if anything changed.
After several more days, Mitch took another turn for the worse. He was limp, not wanting to move or eat. He was taken to our shelter where he received extra care and went home with a skilled staff member for the weekend. Mitch returned to his normal, sweet, playful, and chatty self. Most of his swelling had disappeared, and he started eating again and took his first steps, but back in his foster home, he was still a bit wobbly. With the swelling now completely gone, the vet team was able to see that Mitch actually had a fracture in his spine—without FieldHaven coming to the rescue, he probably would have not survived!
Today is Giving Tuesday and that means we’re standing up for kittens like Mitch. He deserves it, even if we have to think outside the box and give him chance after chance. He had the will to survive, so we fought for him. That’s why we need YOU for Giving Tuesday – so that we can continue going above and beyond for kittens like Mitch.
Today, Mitch is on anti-inflammatories and his foster family made him a tiny custom wheelchair to help him get around while he heals. He may never look completely normal but, thanks to you, he is happy and healthy, with a great quality of life. His short life has been quite traumatic so far but because of your kindness, he was given a second chance—a truly happy ending made possible by your generous support!
There are countless other cats waiting for help. They all deserve love and a new chance at life, and with your help this holiday season, we WILL be there for them. Will you donate for Giving Tuesday to help make this happen? Here’s how:
- Make an online gift!
- Mail a check to 2754 Ironwood Lane, Lincoln, CA 95648.
Precious lives are counting on us, and we truly cannot do it without you! If you’ve donated already, thank you! We hope you will share our good work with your circle of people, and ask them to support us too. Every amount matters! Thank you for helping Mitch and the many more to come!
P.S. Mitch will soon be ready for adoption. If you’re interested in seeing if he would be a good fit for your family, fill out the adoption form, and from there, our team will contact you with more information and a better timeframe. He’s doing well and has a couple more follow-up vet visits, but we cannot wait to see him in a loving home of his own!