12 Saves of Christmas #1: Tommy
12 Saves of Christmas – FieldHaven’s Heartwarming Save #1: Tommy
Each day, we will share one of FieldHaven’s 12 most heartwarming cat saves of 2020. Each happy story was made possible through your generosity!
At left, Tommy before his rescue by FieldHaven. At right, Tommy after eye surgery.
We don’t know how long Tommy was out there on his own, but one fortunate day he wandered into the neighborhood of FieldHaven volunteer Valerie Howell. Tommy looked bedraggled and seemed depressed and miserable.
It was Tommy’s lucky day because Valerie is a volunteer with FieldHaven’s amazing CAT Crew, which works to help cats in need whenever someone contacts us. CAT stands for Community/Cat Assistance Team. Valerie knew just what to do. She set a humane trap for Tommy. Then she posted his photo to various social media sites, in hopes of finding his person in case he got lost somehow. No answer came back.
Once Tommy was trapped, he went to the vet for a check-up. It turned out he had dental disease and entropion, a painful eye condition that can be repaired in most cases with surgery. Tommy spent three months with FieldHaven getting the vet care he needed – dental care and the delicate entropion surgery needed to alleviate this condition.
At last Tommy was ready for a new home. He was adopted by a family and their teenage son, who has a heart for all older kitties and is devoted to Tommy. And Tommy got a new friend in the bargain – he and Elsa (photo at left) became fast friends. Now Tommy is loved and has a great life – all thanks to you!
Your gifts truly make a lifesaving difference for cats like Tommy. Without your support, FieldHaven would not be here for cats in need like Tommy.
Thank you so much for your generosity and for remembering cats in need this holiday season.
Saved by FieldHaven CAT Volunteer Valerie Howell! With a special thank you to the volunteers of the Community/Cat Assistance Team (CAT) who answer thousands of requests for assistance each year. Our saves this holiday season were shared by our volunteers, reflecting back on some of their favorite cases over the year.