Celebrating FieldHaven Volunteers!

This week, our staff members are celebrating all the FieldHaven volunteers who help save lives at FieldHaven Feline Center. We, along with thousands of cats and kittens, thank you with all of our hearts. FieldHaven volunteers come from all walks of life: they’re young and old, they live locally and far away. What they share is a compassion for all living beings and a willingness to devote their time and talent to helping some of our most vulnerable.
FieldHaven Volunteers in the Spotlight
Cat Care: Mary
Mary has been volunteering at FieldHaven Feline Center for nearly seven years in Cat Care. Mary is part of the “Wednesday Whiskers Ladies” who come to the shelter every Wednesday to provide cat care, which includes feeding, scooping, and loving on all of the cats. Mary especially loves caring for the cats in 2nd Chance Ranch. For Mary, cat care means so much more than cleaning. She checks in on every cat to make sure their emotional and physical needs are being met. She also makes 400-500 cats beds every year for the kitties (a good example how you can be a FieldHaven volunteer from the comfort of your own home).
We are so grateful for all Mary does to enrich the lives of cats who have found their way to our shelter. Because of her and so many other cat care volunteers, these cats and kittens experience human kindness while they wait for their forever homes.
Healing Hands: Kyra
FieldHaven volunteers come in all shapes and sizes. Here is one of our “kitten-sized” Healing Hands volunteers, Kyra. She looks forward to every shelter visit with her mom so she cat sit with, play with, and love on all of the cats. You’d think a pint-sized volunteer would gravitate toward the pint-sized cats (meaning kittens), but Kyra really likes to spend time with the adult cats who are looking for forever homes.
Healing Hands volunteers spend one-on-one time with our cats and kittens to development feline personality profiles to help them find the purrfect forever family.
We love that Kyra has a passion for animals at such a young age and are grateful FieldHaven’s cats and kittens benefit from her care. Kyra, today we celebrate you and all of the other Helping Hands volunteers!
Fosters: Reg
Reg has been fostering since August 2016. While he usually fosters cats/kittens needing rehab (i.e. amputees, broken limbs, eyes removed), he also fosters healthy, cute kittens. In his time volunteering, Reg has had about 40 fosters, only three of which have been “failures.” While we don’t promote failing, every once in a while, there is a cat or kitten who is destined to become a family member of the foster family.
The kittens in this photo came to Reg along with their mother, Vanilla Bean. She’d been found in a hole in a tree along with her litter of six kittens. It was Reg’s first exposure to raising kittens with a momma cat. After some initial hurdles, everyone got healthy and the kittens, Cookie Dough, Cookies & Cream, and Mint Chip, went off to forever families. Vanilla Bean (now Momma Kitty) found her forever family with Reg, becoming his second (yes, second) foster failure. His first fail was his second foster ever (a kitten named Lauren) and his third was just this past May with Miles, a Camp Fire survivor who is a senior kitty.
We appreciate Reg and all FieldHaven volunteers who help us save the lives of abandoned, unwanted, homeless, and sick cats and kittens. Thank you, Reg!
FieldHaven Marketplace: Sandy
Sandy has been volunteering for FieldHaven for about three years now at FieldHaven Marketplace, the thrift store where all profits help the cats and kittens of FieldHaven. Sandy is a expert merchandiser. She helps everything look so fabulous that you can’t help but purchase it and help save the life of a cat or kitten. Thank you Sandy, all all FieldHaven volunteers, for all you do!
If you are interested in becoming a FieldHaven Volunteer, click here to learn more.