An Update on Princess Pillsbury

We first introduced you to Princess Pillsbury in late April. We wanted to give you a quick update to let you know of her status and a very exciting development in her life.
She’s moving to Kansas City! We are so excited for her, but we’re sorry for the reason she is moving. You see, she was officially adopted by Dr. Heather and they are both moving to Kansas City where Dr. Heather will take on her new position at KC Pet Project. Such a sad day for all of us to have them leave, but we wish them the very best in their journey and new home.
Princess Pillsbury’s condition is not completely resolved but it is so much better and she is leading a happy-go-lucky life with her own personal veterinarian. How lucky is she?
Safe travels Dr. Heather and Princess Pillsbury! We love you both! Thank you to Lil BUB’s BIG Fund for the ASPCA for providing the funds for FieldHaven to treat Princess Pillsbury.
Here’s Princess Pillsbury’s original story, published in early May:
One cold day in February, Dr. Heather Kennedy received a call at FieldHaven from Best Friends Animal Society, which has a community cat program in Stanislaus County. They had received a community cat with an extreme case of cryptococcus, a very serious systemic fungal infection. Most likely infected due to exposure to pigeon droppings while living in the community, she had severe swelling (We will spare you the photos when she first came to us.) A cat with such an extreme infection would normally be euthanized, but this sweet kitty rubbed up against her rescuers and began “making biscuits” on them. She didn’t seem to be in acute distress and definitely had a will to live. Best Friends asked if FieldHaven would take on her care. Once Dr. Kennedy met the newly named Princess Pillsbury, the answer was “Yes!”
Because her face was so swollen and her respiratory system infected, Princess Pillsbury couldn’t smell and lost the desire to eat. Dr. Kennedy placed a feeding tube in so the Princess can receive food and her medication several times a day. Dr. Kennedy has been consulting with the world’s leading expert on cryptococcus, Dr. Rickard Malik, from the University of Sydney in Australia, on Princess Pillsbury’s case. With their care, this kitty has made leaps and bounds in her recovery and has shown a little sass along with her sweet side. We expect the swelling to completely subside as the anti-fungal medication does its work. Now that she receives medication only twice per day, Princess Pillsbury has relocated from the shelter, where she was under constant observation, to Dr. Kennedy’s home. You can see her perched on her favorite pillow on Dr. Kennedy’s couch. Watch the video below and you can’t help but fall in love with this beautiful princess.
She is soooo cute. Im so happy she has been adopted, that’s awesome.
Oops! I didn’t adopt Pillsbury. I’m still just trying to get her better. She’ll be going back to FieldHaven for adoption if she gets better.
i hope the doctor keeps us updated on this fungal infection…poor guy…i have never heard of this and am interested in knowing if the kitty completely clears itself of the infection and what medicines they are using to fight it…incredible recovery so far! thank God for the caring people!