New Larger Transfer Station Opens in Paradise

Thirty Cats Were Rescued the Very First Night!
This weekend FieldHaven opened a larger Transfer Station in Paradise in order to expand our capabilities to trap Camp Fire cats and reunite them with their families. What was once just a trailer is now a 10,000 sf space already filling up with cats.
There are hundreds (some estimates have us believing more than 1,000) cats still to be rescued in the ruins of Paradise and Magalia. While we’ve made great strides in rescuing over 300 cats since the fire started there are still so many still waiting to be rescued. We’ve reunited 75 families and are caring for 150 cats on any given day.
Nearly two months ago when FieldHaven opened the Alley Cat Allies Recovery Center in Marysville for rescued fire cats we thought there would plenty of capacity. We were a bit dismayed when the shelter filled up in just a few days!
Time is becoming more critical. Predatory wildlife is moving into the burn areas. Demolition crews are starting which will disrupt the colony patterns that the cats have established around 200+ feeding stations. Kitten season is looming so getting intact cats out the fire zone is crucial. But most importantly, after more than three months in the fire zone these cats need to be back with their families!
FieldHaven has made a commitment to the cats and their people of Paradise. We are hoping you all will support us in the decision to open a large shelter right in Paradise. A space has been leased on Clark Road where we currently have the Transfer Station trailer. This space gives us additional capacity and resources right at the point of trapping. We accepted 30 cats our first night open!
The space is large and has tons of possibilities. But we need your help in getting this blank slate operational. Here is where we need your help with:
1) Equipment – We need virtually everything to make the space operational; from cages to garbage bags to pens, everything to run a shelter is needed. You can shop our Amazon Wish List.
2) Volunteers – FieldHaven’s staff is already stretched so we need volunteers to manage, staff and run this site. We will have a FieldHaven staff member or key volunteer on site every day (and most nights) but we need sooo much help to do everything from managing schedules to poop scooping to laundry.
3) Funds – Bottom line, we can’t do this without the dollars. Please donate if you can.
You might be wondering how the process works?
Transfer Station: As each cat is trapped, it is brought to the Transfer Station for intake and assessment. Each kitty is posted online so that matchers can begin their work of finding the kitty’s family. After one to three days, each cat is transferred to Marysville for medical intake and continued efforts to reunite with its family. One exception will be for ferals, which are altered, ear-tipped and microchipped, then released back to their feeding station area.
Recovery Center in Marysville: This facility serves as a holding area while matchers continue to try to reunite families. Some cats may go to foster homes if they are too stressed in the shelter.
FieldHaven’s Main Shelter in Lincoln: If a cat needs medical care beyond basic care, it will be transferred to Lincoln. Cats will also be transferred to Lincoln after they have been at the RC for at least 30 days. We will continue searching for their families but we realize they may never be reunited.
Adoption Partners: Eventually the kitties will need to move and find new families. We have some great adoption partners in Nevada Humane Society, Humane Society or Silicon Valley and San Francisco SPCA. They are eager to help us help the Camp Fire kitties.
Are you in? This is a big leap for us to open up another shelter to help the Camp Fire Cats but we think you’ll agree that the cats and their people are worth it!
- Donate
- Shop our Amazon Wish List
- Foster – email [email protected] with your location and contact information
- Volunteer – join our volunteer Facebook page to see where we need help and sign up for a shift here.