Champy is a Hero!

Kay, Jen, Linda and Natalie accompanied Champy when he received his reward.

Champy in his formal attire to accept his “Hero of the Year” award.
While everyone at FieldHaven already knows that our sweet Champy is a hero, he was recognized on Friday, April 1 as Placer SPCA’s “Hero of The Year” at their annual Funny Bones Gala.
Each year they honor people, animals, businesses, and/or organizations that have gone above and beyond to demonstrate how strong the human-animal bond is. Champy most certainly fulfilled those requirements. Accompanied by Jen, Natalie, Linda and Kay, Champy arrived in his formal attire to accept his prestigious award. We are so proud of this very amazing cat who has warmed the hearts of thousands of people. This very unique cat even has his own Facebook page.