Helping Save Lives at FieldHaven

We are always in need of volunteers and donations at FieldHaven. Here are few ways you can help that you may not have thought of:
Sponsor one of our Sanctuary Cats by providing a regular donation towards their care. These are special felines that are not likely to be adopted (but we never give up hope), and we’ve promised them lifelong care and love at FieldHaven. You can help make a difference by sponsoring their care. Check our website or contact FieldHaven to see how you can become a sponsor.
Donate just two hours of your time one Saturday morning a month. We’re always looking for help with feeding kitties and cleaning up the Cat Trailer on Saturday mornings. As a special bonus, you get lots of kitty love!
Save your printer cartridges and cell phones so we can turn them into cash. We participate in the Cash for Critters program to recycle. Do something good for the environment and the kitties!
Mr. Carr & Dana – FieldHaven residents looking for sponsors