Feral & Community Cat Resources Hub

Alley Cat Allies®: All About Feral and Community Cats

Alley Cat Allies® | Website

Alley Cat Allies® has protected and improved the lives of cats for 32 years. Today more than 800,000 people look to Alley Cat Allies® for leadership on saving cats’ lives, developing communities that safeguard cats, and helping shelters embrace feline-friendly policies. Explore website >>

I Found Kittens Outside, What Do I Do?

ASPCA | Article

Did you know kittens are one of the most vulnerable populations in animal shelters and that many end up there because of well-meaning animal lovers? The ASPCA wants to assist you in identifying the best approach for helping kittens in your community. Removing kittens from their current environment may not always be the right answer as the mom cat could be nearby getting food (or hiding from you)—and no one can care for a kitten like their mom can! Read more >>

How to Foster a Feral Mama and Kittens

The Kitten Lady | Video

In this video, the Kitten Lady discusses ten things you need to know about how to foster a feral mama and her kittens, including how to set up a proper space for them, how to safely handle the kittens, how to transfer the mama in and out of the enclosure, when to spay the mama, and more! Watch now >>

How to Help Your Neighborhood’s Feral Felines

Humane Society | Article

Beth McNulty was used to seeing the occasional cat cross her property. In her rural community in Monrovia, Maryland, some of her neighbors let their pet cats roam free. And from time to time, a stray would show up and take shelter in her backyard shed. Over the years, she’d adopted two of these strays and found homes for a few more. Read more >>

National Feline Research Council

National Feline Research Council | Website

The mission of the National Feline Research Council (NFRC) is to compile, analyze, and disseminate rigorous scientific research relevant to the efficient management of free-roaming cats. Explore website >>

Sacramento Feral Resources

Sacramento Feral Resources | Website

Do you need help with feral, stray or un-owned (community) cats in your neighborhood or work place? Sac Ferals is intended to provide answers to your questions and all the resources you may need. Explore website >>

Tomahawk Live Traps

Tomahawk Live Traps | Products

Shop live drop traps for feral and community cats. Shop now >>

The Ultimate Guide to Eliminating Cat Pee Smell

PetMD | Article

When your cat starts urinating outside the litter box, the smell can be difficult to get rid of and nearly impossible to mask. Whether your cat pees on the carpet, a piece of furniture, bed linens, or your clothes, it’s important to neutralize the odor to prevent your cat from becoming a repeat offender. Cats often return to a spot where they have previously urinated if the odor is not eliminated. Read more >>