12 Saves of 2024 #10: Glenn

Have you ever stopped to think about how resilient cats can be? Even though it surprises us, it shouldn’t. The miraculous thing is that they don’t just survive their challenges…
They fight through them. They love through them. They thrive through them.
We were tagged in a post for a severely injured cat. It happens multiple times a day, but for some reason, this one really spoke to us.
Glenn was in extreme pain with a dire need for medical care.
We couldn’t afford another big emergency, but it appeared that we were truly his *only* option if he was to have a future.
We commented on the post begging for help. We admitted we needed transport, funding, and teamwork. We also admitted that the best way to help may be to end his suffering peacefully.
While we often have a positive response when we ask for help, we were blown away with what happened with Glenn.
We had transport with minutes. We booked an emergency appointment with the UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine. The donations began coming in almost immediately.
We successfully got Glenn and we rushed him to the emergency room. We anticipated that euthanasia was going to be the outcome, but when Dr. Oh called us… the news was good!
Glenn, named for Glenda, his “mewber” driver, was in remarkably good shape considering he’d likely been hit by a care over two weeks ago. He had significant facial trauma, including probable fractures, and mild chest trauma including a partially collapsed lung… but all of it was very treatable!
He needed to stabilize before surgery, which took 24 hours, but he was under the watchful eye of the incredible medical team at UC Davis.
Then, he had surgery—a big one – and he made it. Glenn fought. He survived.
Here’s the other incredible thing. Through it all, everyone gushed over his personality. Apparently, despite the pain and suffering, he was a grand champion head butter!
Glenn was a cat who had no hope. We were struggling when he came into our lives, but thanks to our village, we made it work. Together, we saved Glenn.
Today, he is celebrating his first holiday season in a home surrounded by love.
Glenn is one of many who we had the honor of caring for. He did the hard part. He survived, and his resilience is what we do this for. Glenn taught us how to be better, how to not give up, and how to love wholeheartedly.
Christmas is almost here, and we certainly hope you left room to give a gift to cats this year. Glenn was thankful to have you in 2024; let’s see how many cats we can help in 2025.
Warm wishes for a wonderful holiday and thank you for always keeping FieldHaven on your list of gifts.
P.S. Glenn is one of the lucky ones, yet he still needed us. He may not have made it if he didn’t come to us—so thankfully, he did. YOU made that possible. Our village.