12 Saves of 2024 #9: Rasta

Rasta will be three in January. She’s been with her family since she was a kitten, and she’s the light of their lives. Recently, they learned she had a diaphragmatic hernia, a congenital condition where the abdominal organs push into the chest crowding the heart and lungs. Their only solution was a very expensive lifesaving surgery. As much as they wanted to do everything to save her, they just didn’t have the financial means.
Not even two weeks ago they showed up at FieldHaven Feline Center with Rasta in their arms, frantically trying to save her life. They thought their only choice was to euthanize Rasta or surrender her to an organization who would do the surgery.
Of course, we didn’t like either option. We helped them navigate getting the surgery scheduled with UC Davis and finding the funding through fundraising efforts and financial aid.
We knew keeping Rasta with her family was most important, so we followed our mission, For every Cat, a Solution, and helped them do just that.
Rasta had surgery at UC Davis a week ago. She’s still recovering, but the good news is she is doing well.
We knew that Rasta had the will to survive, so we had her back, but we aren’t the only ones. YOU had her back. YOU support us so that we can support situations just like this one.
Rasta’s family admits they didn’t know what they were going to do, saying that they needed a “Christmas miracle to say her.” Today, they are so grateful that Rasta will see her third birthday, and that they get another holiday with her.
Every lifesaving story we share is not just a win for us. It’s also a win for the cat, their family, new or existing, and yours, too, and we cannot thank you enough.
We’re so grateful and full of love this holiday season. Thank you.
P.S. Rasta’s story is not uncommon. Pet parents struggle with unexpected challenges every day, and if our ability to help means guidance and the ability to listen, we do it. And it’s thanks to you that we can do that. You are saving more than lives; you’re keeping families together, too.