12 Saves of 2024 #8: Bella Donna

It was Halloween morning when a good Samaritan found sweet Bella Donna dragging herself down the sidewalk in front of her house. Knowing she needed help, she quickly scooped her up and brought her to FieldHaven’s Marysville Cat Resource Center, just down the road. As soon as we heard her gentle purr, we knew that we would do everything we could to ensure her future was bright.
Once she was in our care, we did an initial examination to ensure she was stable and transported her to VCA Northpointe Animal Hospital. Their team did X-rays, confirming that Bella Donna had a broken pelvis.
The good news? She could still potty on her own, she was eager to eat, and she wasn’t suffering.
Bella Donna was given a strict recovery plan of cage rest and nothing else, so we brought her back to FieldHaven and set her up in a cozy yet confined space. This young gal was curious and into adventure, so we had to do our best to make sure she remained calm and inactive. We had our jobs cut out for us! Bella Donna loved any attention she could get—she would head butt everyone who visited her!
Just recently we cleared her for a foster home, and she quickly settled in. She enjoys the company of fellow foster cats, tolerate the affection from the Australian Shepherd and LOVES the tiny humans.
She is moving around well, and when supervised, observes her surroundings from a window perch.
Bella Donna is lucky. Her fate could have been so much worse. She would not have made it if she remained on the street.
Today, Bella Donna is an adorable little being worthy of life—SO much life—and soon she will officially be ready for a home.
Your donations this holiday season will spread joy on so many levels. They will help us provide for cats like Bella Donna without worrying about how long a recovery may take, and help others who, like her, had nowhere else to go.
Thanks to you, we’re able to give Bella Donna a warm, comfortable, safe place for the holiday, where she is on the receiving end of nothing but unconditional love.
P.S. Bella Donna is so charming it’s no wonder we all have fallen for her, but it’s truly thanks to you that we can be here for her. Wishing you all things merry and bright this holiday!