12 Saves of 2024 #7: The Johnson Brothers

Jack, Jeb, Josh, Jim, James, Jeff, Jeremy, and Jan Johnson came from an overcrowded home last December. Over the last 12 months, their popularity has skyrocketed—and we are loving who they are today.
You’ve probably heard us refer to them as The Johnson Brothers (with the exception of Jan, of course). When they first arrived, they were skinny and battling respiratory infections. At FieldHaven they received veterinary care and medication. As they took time to decompress and regain their health, they began gaining weight. It wasn’t long before their coats were glossy and their eyes bright!
Because they were in the crowded home, they didn’t get the human attention needed to build confidence and learn socialization traits. This meant they were a bit timid around new people, but as you can see from their photos, they LOVE each other!
We shared their story and unique family bond over and over again, but they still kept getting overlooked. Quite honestly, most adopters are looking for a pet, not a project – and The Johnson Brothers were definitely a project!
So we made a decision. *WE* adopted The Johnson Brothers (and Jan), officially making them FieldHaven sanctuary cats!
It was a good thing too, because the more time we spent with them, it was obvious that they were truly a family, making it even harder to find someone who would take all of them.
It took them a bit to change routine, but once they settled in, they embraced it. They soon befriended their fellow sanctuary cats. They had adventures in and around the horse stalls. They warmed up to the humans who frequent the property every day, showing off their charming, sweet personalities. Now they even regularly pose for photos – as if they’re celebrities and we’re the paparazzi!
After all they have gone through, they are truly the best cats they could be, and now we love them even more!
We’re able to provide sanctuary for The Johnsons because of you. Our mission “For every Cat in need, a Solution” holds true – it just turns out the *WE* were the solution for them! Here’s hoping that your holidays are surrounded by pets like the Johnsons, those who bring you joy and love every day.
Enjoy their photo journey below, and if you haven’t already, come visit them in person!
P.S. If you haven’t been to FieldHaven before, we’re located in beautiful rural Lincoln on a stunning 10-acre horse ranch. We have a very secure place, with other animals, including horses and even the occasional goat, so it’s an outdoor family affair. The Johnsons fit right in!