12 Saves of 2024 #6: Slash

This is Slash today, but earlier this Spring, he looked very different. In fact, he almost didn’t make it.
Slash quite honestly had a near-death experience… yet is now thriving.
He was found in Marysville by Audra, one of our managers, with a massive wound to his neck at just a few days old. She knew he wouldn’t make it without emergency veterinary care, so she rushed him to Northpointe Animal Hospital. We all hoped for the best.
His tiny neck was wrapped in bandages, but poor Slash didn’t quite understand what was happening. He was screaming at the top of his tiny lungs, likely from pain, confusion, fear and anger. Once he was stable as possible, he went home with Audra. She kept him alive through the night, checking on him nearly every half hour.
The following day, he came to FieldHaven to be seen by our medical team. We ensured he was hydrated, eating, and maintaining a stable temperature.
One of our medical team members agreed to be his ICU Mom. It was critical that he was under 24/7 care because without it he may not make it.
Not a day went by for the first week of his life that we didn’t have multiple people asking about him.
Our good vibes helped, along with the tiniest will to survive that we have ever seen, because about two weeks later, we were confident that Slash was going to be just fine.
Today, Slash is celebrating his first holiday with his family—and as you can guess, his ICU Mom never let him go!
We’ve consistently shared the stories of the good work that we do—how we go above and beyond, how we provide solutions for even the most challenging situations, how we engage the community, and how we save lives. As we surround ourselves with everything bright this holiday season, we look back on the lives we impacted so far this year—Slash was one of thousands.
We couldn’t be here for Slash without you, our village, and today, and we are grateful this holiday for that support—and we know Slash is too.
P.S. While we’ll never know what happened to Slash, we’re lucky we were there in his time of need, and that we could give him a fighting chance… because of you.