12 Saves of 2024 #3: Mayari

Safety nets come in all shapes and sizes, and at FieldHaven, we truly view every cat as an individual. We may never have all of the answers we want or need, but we are here for the cat regardless.
Not even a month ago a caregiver of a local cat colony discovered Mayari cowering against a fence in a park. She was scared and unsure, yet begging for help.
The caregiver soothingly coaxed here into a carrier, and contacted FieldHaven Feline Center.
She knew Mayari was not one of her regular cats, not to mention, recognized the terrified yet urgent plea for help.
When she arrived, we estimated Marayi’s age to be about four-months-old. She was missing one eye, possibly due to illness or injury, and the other appeared to have limited vision. Poor Mayari had been on the streets nearly blind!
We gently set Mayari up in a safe, secure space, letting her know she was safe. She was very sweet, but also very scared. She had a severe upper respiratory infection and the vision loss, but otherwise appeared healthy.
The following day she saw our veterinarian and we began a course of antibiotics. She welcomed food, warmth, and quiet attention, and took her medication with ease as if she knew she was being helped.
We continued this every day for two weeks.
Slowly, Mayari began to trust us and reveal her gentle, affectionate nature.
Her respiratory infection cleared up, and while she still needs to see a veterinary ophthalmologist, she is doing much better.
Our safety net is not about just taking in cats, adoptions, or foster care. It’s bigger than that.
We help those who have no voice, those who have no other option. Mayari’s future may still be unknown, and when she will be ready for a home we don’t know, but her holidays are bright. She is surrounded by love and she recognizes that. We accept her for who she is, without knowing her story, and we will give her everything that we can to guarantee she has the home and family she deserves. This is all possible because of your support. Thank you for loving all cats, challenging or not, just like we do. It’s the gift that keeps on giving!
Donate Now
P.S. Want to give Marayi a happy holiday? Donate to her care! You can use this link to donate online, or mail a check to 2754 Ironwood Lane, Lincoln, CA 95648. We’ll also be sharing more of her story on social media, so if you don’t already, be sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram!