12 Saves of 2024 #4: Meep

For the kitten who lost half an ear and her tail after being caught in a car engine, we were her lifeline in more ways than one, and this holiday season, we’re grateful that we were able to do that.
We got a message about an injured kitten who needed to be trapped so she could see a vet. We were quickly successful in trapping the kitten, but that success was short-lived. She escaped – a trapper’s worst nightmare!
We tried to trap them again. The kitten stayed within sight but never approached the trap. She continually escaped everyone who tried to get her, earning the nickname of Meep Meep, for the famous roadrunner cartoon.
Finally, she was caught, secured in the trap, and safely brought to FieldHaven.
Meep Meep was spayed, and her tail and ear were treated so they could heal. Our best guess is that she was hiding under a car hood when the engine was started. Her injuries could have been much worse!
Over time her injuries healed, but her trust in humans was a work in progress. Meep Meep had a lovely personality, and purred nonstop, but she was still scared.
While many of our lifesaving stories are based on cats facing medical needs, Meep Meep is different. Her injuries were fairly minor, but the emotional repercussions were far bigger. Cats like Meep Meep require specialized behavioral care, and we strive to set them for success…
Meep Meep was adopted to a wonderful family and now is living it up! She climbs the tallest cat trees and nestles into their tunnels; she wraps herself in cozy soft beds; and she soaks up SO MUCH LOVE.
We’re in the season of giving and love, so it’s important to know that we LOVE every cat we meet, no matter what they may face.
Will you consider doing the same for us? Donating to FieldHaven this holiday will allow us to treat everyone with the same perseverance we did with Meep Meep. From our cat-filled homes to yours, happy holidays, and thank you for giving Meep Meep the first holiday season she’s ever had filled with LOVE.
P.S. To give in honor of Meep Meep and to show love to all cats, you can donate online, or mail a check to 2754 Ironwood Lane, Lincoln, CA 95648. Meep Meep, whose person shares regular updated photos of her, would surely thank you if she could!