Miso is Beating FIP…Thanks to YOU!

Meet Miso, miracle kitten extraordinaire. She’s barely halfway through her treatment for FIP, and she is beating it…all thanks to you.
Giving Tuesday is in one week, on December 3, and whether you donate now or on the day of, your donation will be doubled up to $12,500.
Miso is one of many cats your support will save.
This is her before photo.
Miso has wet and ocular FIP (feline infectious peritonitis), a viral disease of cats caused by certain strains of a virus called the feline coronavirus. It’s a disease that was once a death sentence, but now, is curable.
Miso arrived in October and we began her treatment right away. She had limited, if any, vision (ocular) and the signature fluid-filled (wet) belly but she was active, eating and purring. She had the will to survive, so we had the will to fight.
Treatment for FIP used to be a twice daily, painful injection and not only hard to obtain, but costly as well. Now, with treatment more accessible, affordable, and less painful with a liquid version, it’s truly a miracle for cats and kittens diagnosed with FIP.
Treatment is nearly 90 days of care and then nearly 90 days of observation…and it works! FIP has come a long way!
At 30 days into Miso’s treatment her bloodwork was tracking towards a cure in another couple of months.
At 50 days into treatment Miso is THRIVING!
Her vision has been restored, and her belly is chubby but that’s because she eats so much! She has a kinky tail and her bright eyes are alert. She’s got a quirky personality as she battles her inner wallflower while actively seeking out snuggles and lap time. Her meow is a tiny chirp, yet her purr is like a roar!
When you donate for Giving Tuesday, THIS is where your donations go. Miso may not have had the chance anywhere else, but at FieldHaven, we believe in miracles and we make them happen.
This is Miso now…
We’ll never take for granted how we are now able to cure FIP… and that we no longer have to hide behind the cloak of secrecy to do it.
Every single FIP survivor is a miracle.
What YOU do matters. What you GIVE matters. Help us continue to save kittens like Miso for Giving Tuesday.
Here’s how to help:
- Donate. Every amount matters!
- Make an online gift through this link.
- Mail a check to 2754 Ironwood Lane, Lincoln, CA 95648.
- Spread the word! Share this email and help get the word out!
- Be the match! If you would like to provide a significant donation towards a Giving Tuesday match, therefore allowing donations to be doubled, email us here!
Miso and our entire team are so grateful we have you to count on this Giving Tuesday. Thank you for your unwavering compassion and generosity.
P.S. Want to learn more about FIP? Check out FIP Global CATS®! Want to learn more about the new treatment? Check out Stokes Pharmacy! Miso has a great chance at beating this once incurable disease, and she is beating it because of you. Thank you for enabling us to stand up and fight for FIP.