Love Needed for Wild Remedy and his Scottish Fold Family

The holiday season is winding down, but at FieldHaven Feline Center, the time to ensure a happy and healthy new year is still going strong—especially for Wild Remedy and his family, an adorable group of “purebred” yet neglected Scottish Folds.
Fair warning, their story is not easy to read, but it does—so far—have a bright future.
We’re always ready to lend a helping hand to cats and kittens in need, but we can’t do it without your support. And while we try to remain as non-judgmental as possible, we need to shed light on this and, as you know, we’re also brutally honest.
Wild Remedy is the face of a “purebred Scottish Fold” whose siblings were sold for big money online. He’s the face of a “reputable breeder” who decided to breed cats with no prior knowledge of proper care and who saw him as a chance to make a profit. He was on his last legs when he arrived at FieldHaven.
He’s seven months old and was surrendered to us, along with his two siblings, because the “breeder” “didn’t have money to take them to a vet.” They were worried because “he suddenly became so sick.”
Wild Remedy weighed less than 4 lbs, was infested with fleas, suffering from a severe upper respiratory infection, and had a white blood cell count that was “higher than our vet had ever seen” from infection.
We had no choice but to hospitalize Wild Remedy at an emergency veterinary clinic because otherwise, he wouldn’t survive. During this time, he was also diagnosed with Bartonella, a serious bacterial infection, severe anemia, he had bad kidney levels and FIP. He had a blood transfusion and was basically in the ICU unit for 48 hours, then released back to us because they felt there wasn’t much more they could do for him.
We will always do the hard work to save lives for those who want to be here. We fight if they want to fight, even when the outcomes we want are not guaranteed. But right now, we need your compassion through generosity to help us succeed and save Wild Remedy, not to mention his family.
The two other siblings, Intergalatic and Lord Misrule, have deformed paws. The mother cat is skinny as a rail, and the father cat has an extensive wound that has gone untreated for months and will now need daily care.
They are all being treated for a number of infections, have multiple daily medications, and are being monitored around the clock.
But there is good news.
Their health is improving—including Wild Remedy’s, who was in the worst shape out of all of them.
After several days at a foster home, that of Dallas, our operations manager, Wild Remedy crawled out of his carrier and into her arms. On Christmas Eve he ate for the first time on his own and enjoyed the company of several visiting tiny humans. After a week of his various treatments, dare we say, he is doing great—as is his entire family.
Their road to recovery on many levels is just beginning. We don’t know what their future holds but right now, it remains bright.
These cats deserved better. We will do everything in our power to get them healthy and give them the best life possible. We are so thankful they ended up with us so that they can begin to know love and kindness—yet we absolutely don’t agree with what happened to get them here. It could have been prevented.
As many look forward to a new year, we look forward to lifesaving. To helping Wild Remedy and his family, and we know our work is far from over. We ask that as part of your celebration, you give back to them to help us pave the way for their bright future. Truly, every amount matters—and with Wild Remedy’s hospital bill alone towering over $5,000, every amount makes a difference.
Donate online here or mail a check to FieldHaven Feline Center at 2754 Ironwood Lane, Lincoln, CA 95648. Thank you so incredibly much for letting us say yes to helping Wild Remedy and his family. You make our lives better, knowing that we can count on you.
Peace, joy, goodwill, and love,
– Joy Smith, executive director of FieldHaven
P.S. While there are reputable breeders, there are far more backyard breeders, and they are often negligent in so many ways. We are working with the proper authorities to prevent this from happening again, and we share so much detail from Wild Remedy’s story to educate others—because this shouldn’t have happened. Thanks to you, we will move this along in a positive manner, and we will continue to share updates about Wild Remedy and his family. We know that you only want the best for them, as do we.