12 Saves of 2023 #11: Kilo

Last Friday, Kilo had a pretty bad day. Thankfully, that was the day she arrived at FieldHaven.
Kilo was attacked by a dog. A kind rescuer found her and contacted us right away—the tiny kitten had a gaping bite wound and several injuries. She needed urgent veterinary care.
We got her cleaned up, started on pain medication and antibiotics, and made sure she was comfortable for the night. We wrapped the wound and put a cone on her. She had that fighting spirit we love to see, and her eyes smiled up at everyone who was helping. She recognized that she was getting a second chance.
On Saturday we took her to one of our veterinary partners. They felt her injuries were out of their scope, so we reached out to the UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine. We had her there by the afternoon. She had a broken femur and tibia, an injured pelvis, and bite wounds. The good news? They were confident that no major damage had been done internally or that would cause issues with her bathroom behavior.
Kilo was lucky. She was also bright and alert through it all, incredibly sweet, and consistently purring.
She remained hospitalized overnight, and then on Monday her leg was amputated. She had several more days of wound care and then was discharged.
In less than a week, Kilo’s life had turned around completely. She went from nearly losing it… to getting a second chance.
Kilo required extensive medical care and her estimate, though discounted, is over $3,000. That doesn’t include any follow-up or ongoing care, but it’s worth it because Kilo is doing amazing.
We know you wonder how we choose who to save, and we’ve shared this before. When they want to fight, we find a way to make work. They deserve that chance. Our decisions to provide medical care are made by a team with expertise and understanding of the entire picture. Decisions are emotional and often hard to make. And sometimes the ending is not what we want, but we always try. If they fight, we fight.
Kilo is already doing so much better. She is healing well and she is as charming as ever. Now, we ask for you to give back to her. The holidays are a time for giving and love, and Kilo’s lifesaving is a team effort.
Will you donate to Kilo’s care? Donate online through this link or mail a check to FieldHaven at 2754 Ironwood Lane, Lincoln, CA 95648.
We’re so grateful and full of love this holiday season, so thank you, and know that Kilo is sending the merriest wishes to all of you.
Happiest of PAWlidays,
– Joy Smith, executive director of FieldHaven
Spread Holiday Cheer: Donate Today!
P.S. Kilo’s story is longer than others, but not uncommon. Every time you donate, these are the lives you are saving. Your support will forever mean more than you know.