12 Saves of 2023 #9: Luke

Back in April, a friendly but injured kitty was found in a busy Marysville parking lot. The finder notified FieldHaven, and our team jumped to the rescue, naming him Luke, after his finder.
He appeared to have a serious hind leg injury, so once we got him, we made an immediate appointment at our partner veterinarian, Companion Veterinary Clinic in Auburn.
He was sweet as can be—slept through most of the car ride, made biscuits, and was a purrfect gentleman—despite the pain he must have been feeling. We pulled out all the stops to see if he had a family because he was freshly neutered and eartipped. Someone must have been missing him! But he had no microchip, and no leads were found, so he became part of our FieldHaven family.
Numerous X-rays revealed a horribly fractured femur and a crushed pelvis. The vet team needed to amputate one of his legs, but he was healthy enough overall, young, and strong, so he healed quickly. His pelvis was another story, requiring a couple of months of cage rest, but through it all, he was an amazing patient.
Luke cleared every hurdle of concern during his long recovery, and his charming, sweet demeanor made him easy to resist. Everyone who met him fell in love with him!
In July he received the best news—he was cleared for adoption! His story was already out there, so it didn’t take long after we made that announcement. Luke had a home within days!
Luke had the will to live that we always look for when we meet severely injured cats. When they fight, we fight—and it didn’t hurt that his personality was so fabulous. Luke knew that no matter what happened, we had his back.
But we aren’t the only ones. YOU had his back. YOU stepped up when we asked for help with his medical costs. YOU shared his story. YOU supported us so that we could support him.
Every lifesaving story we share is not just a win for us—it’s yours too. And we cannot thank you enough.
We’re so grateful and full of love this holiday season, so thank you.
Happiest of PAWlidays,
– Joy Smith, executive director of FieldHaven
Spread Holiday Cheer: Donate Today!
P.S. Luke’s story is not uncommon. Every time you donate, these are the lives you are saving. Your support will forever mean more than you know.