Avocado Needs a Home!

Avocado is the sweetest, silliest, most unique, and gentle soul that you’ll ever come across. When he first arrived as a transfer from the city shelter after being surrendered to them, there was something very off about him. He was obviously unwell, and we were not sure if he’d make it. Catatonic would be the best way to describe him. He literally would not eat, drink, or even so much as move. He sat in one position with his head pressed into the corner of his kennel at all times.
We assumed he had a severe medical issue, so we ran some tests. To our surprise, everything was seemingly normal. He was on supportive care at the shelter but nothing seemed to help him.
We sent him home as a foster with our operations manager, Dallas. She let him have his space at first, then began offering gentle pets during his feeding time. It didn’t take long for him to understand unconditional love. Soon he was chirping and licking her every time she pet him!
After that moment a few months ago, he has continued to progressively come out of his shell, gain confidence, and truly learn to be a cat. It’s very clear that his previous home was not somewhere he felt safe to explore or discover the wonders of being a cat. Now, he’s 100% fun, quirky, and all about the love – so much so that he needs an overly affectionate family!
Avocado also loves other friendly felines; he learns and acclimates much faster with other cats to show him the ropes and be his companion(s). He is a vocal boy who loves to meow for your attention when he is carrying his favorite small red stuffed cat around the house, and he’ll give you sweet nose bump kisses if you ask nicely for them.
If you have space in your heart, home, and family for Avocado, or just want more information, fill out the adoption application form with his name. Let’s get him a home!