Kole’s Second Chance

Nearly two weeks ago, FieldHaven received a call from a local waste management company. They had found a malnourished and very sick kitten in their recycling building and needed help. We quickly coordinated someone to pick him up and provide any needed urgent care.
The poor kitten was a wreck. He was dirty and hungry. He had a bad eye infection, so much so that his eyes were nearly sealed shut. Despite this, he was sweet and friendly.
We took him in, cleaned him up, provided food and a warm bed. We named him Kole, and within a matter of days, he began to flourish. He greatly accepted attention and care, snuggling into the arms of anyone who would keep him warm and cozy. His appetite was good, and he had no injuries or illness other than a basic kitty cold.
We aren’t here to judge, but rather, to help. We offer solutions so that in troubled situations, people don’t have to abandon their pets. Kole could have found his own way there, or someone could have dropped him off, but regardless, FieldHaven is here to help people and cats alike.
We cannot thank you enough for enabling us to be here for Kole and so many others. Your donations make it possible for us to be there when the unexpected happens, to assist with rescue efforts in unique situations, and to support cat-loving families when the need arises.
Now, in the final days of 2021, we hope you’ll consider donating to help kittens just like Kole. Here’s how to make a tax-deductible donation:
- Online via PayPal
- Online via our Facebook Page (follow us, too!)
- Mail: 2754 Ironwood Lane, Lincoln, CA 95648
- Phone: (916) 434-6022
If you would like to make your donation in person, we are open Thursday, December 30, from 12 PM to 5:30 PM; Friday, New Year’s Eve, from 3:30 PM to 6 PM; and Saturday, New Year’s Day from 10 AM to 4 PM.
Thank you for your generosity, and we wish you a wonderful new year.
– Joy Smith, executive director of FieldHaven
P.S. We rely entirely on donations to help the homeless cats and you can be assured that your gift to FieldHaven always helps cats right here in our community.