FieldHaven’s Update on the Month of Fire and Evacuations

Whew! That last month was a doozy!
We wanted to give an update on what happened at FieldHaven with fires and give a big shout-out to the staff, volunteers, government agencies, people who donated, and others who really stepped up in the past four weeks.

Rosemary Frieborne from Humane Society of the Sierra Foothills, left, with Jen Paul, manager of FieldHaven’s TNR and spay/neuter program manager, check on a cat during a spay/neuter clinic for evacuated animals.
Fires everywhere in Northern California caused our amazing volunteer FieldHaven Animal Sheltering Team (FHAST) to spring into action. So many new people signed up, and their task was not an easy one. No sooner had an evacuation center been set up at the Yuba-Sutter Fairgrounds than we had to relocate to a new evacuation center. Volunteers and local businesses pitched in to move quickly to a new evacuation center.
FHAST made sure animals were comfortable and received any medications need. Their efforts allowed these animals’ people to be able to focus on other matters, with the peace of mind that at least their pets were safe.
At the fires’ peak in our region, temporary shelter was provided for well over 100 cats, plus tortoises, chickens and fish! Not only were we able to provide shelter, we also – with their owners’ permission, of course! – provided spay/neuter surgeries, vaccinations and microchipping for many animals while they awaited their people’s return.
Supplies went out fast and furiously! For instance, one woman was evacuated so quickly that all she took was her six cats – nothing else. She was so grateful we could provide her with litter, a litter pan, and food and water dishes.
We put out the word on social media about the need for supplies, including carriers, and soon Amazon boxes were stacked outside FieldHaven’s gate. It filled our hearts with joy to see them!
This was a community effort filled with partnerships and teamwork! Here are just a few of the many who deserve a shout-out: Habitat for Humanity, Tractor Supply Co., Petco Foundation, CRBR Damage Restoration, Yuba City, Live Oak Donut, Cleanrite Buildrite, Yuba County Office of Emergency Services, Sutter Animal Services Authority, Sutter County Sheriff’s Department, our local PetSmart, Humane Society of the Sierra Foothills, and Happy Tails Pet Sanctuary.
A big thank you also goes out to FieldHaven’s amazing staff, volunteers and donors – and the many community members who fed staff and volunteers. We literally could not have made it through this past month without all of you!
Support Still Needed
FieldHaven’s capacity to help cats in our community has been compromised because of the evacuations and COVID-19 precautions. We simply haven’t been able to do as many spays/neuters as normal. If you’re able to help us, please do. Donations especially now will help us care for the many cats still in need – such as the little one seen in the photo at right, who was recently found alone in a neighborhood.