Camp Fire Cat Survivors are Looking for Love

Adopt a Camp Fire Cat Today
View all adoptable Camp Fire cats online from the comfort of your in-need-of-one-more-cat home. Most adoption fees have been sponsored! We’ve highlighted five “looking for love” cats below. You can even apply to adopt online. What are you waiting for? (Feel free to share this email with friends. Let’s find them homes!)
Hi, I’m Georgia (CF339)!
I’m new to this whole ‘looking for an owner’ thing but I figured I’d give it a try since I’ve been up for adoption for a while now.
At first I thought maybe I wasn’t cute enough but let’s be honest here… I am adorable! I mean, LOOK at this photo! It is oozing with model-status personality! My fur is some of the softest in the FieldHaven Transfer Station, I am one of the tidiest girls in here, and as long as I have my cozy hammock to lay in, all is well in the world.
Don’t have a hammock at home for me? Don’t worry. A warm lap, a comfy bed or a sunny window perch will work just fine.
I am quiet, reserved, adorable (did I mention that already?), and my adoption fee is SPONSORED! Score!
Do you want to get to know me a little more personally? Call (530) 783-9009 and ask for Georgia. If I can’t talk at the moment, I’ll have my personal assistant handle it.
Alternatively, you can meet me in person and get my autograph at the FieldHaven Transfer Station in Paradise, located in Ewald Court off of Clark Road.
I‘m ready to Walk Like An Egyptian up out of here!
They call me CF825 Cleo – short for Cleopatra. I am a sweet and sassy freshly spayed female who is ready to teach you how to get stunning black eyeliner like me. 😉
The sand dunes in here smell like cat litter and these peasants won’t fan me while I’m eating anymore because they are “too busy” and keep telling me that I’m “not the only one in here”. UGH. Can I come be the only one at your house? If you have other kitties, I won’t be mean to them… But I’ll make my presence known as I am *basically* royalty.
If you need me, I’ll be inside my pyramid. You’ll know it’s mine because it’ll say FieldHaven Transfer Station outside. You can call me at (530) 783-9009 but if I’m too busy chasing scarab beetles away, I’ll have Jyll get the phone for me.
Heyyy… My name is Party Prancer. CF655 Prancer, to be specific.
I’ve been partying at FieldHaven Transfer Station in Paradise for a while now and they said it’s time for me to find somewhere else to set up shop.
Do you want to party with me? I love treats, being in laps, and CATNIP! I prefer digging my nails into cardboard scratchers as opposed to furniture so you don’t need to worry about that. I am social, I make friends easily, I am litter box trained, and I’ll talk back to you in the cutest of ways. I am also pretty tidy… You know, for a boy.
Like any macho party ‘bro’, I don’t like to be picked up. You want me to come somewhere? Lure me in with wet food 😼
You can contact me at my current frat house:
FieldHaven Transfer Station, (530) 783-9009. I’ll bring Friskies Party Mix, too… Oh, and I’m sponsored so my adoption fee is waived!
I found CF784 McClain’s resume and it is TOO much…”Dunder Mifflin” McClain, (530) 783-9009 5399 Clark Rd, Paradise.
Objective: Settling into a new home, office or home office where I can thrive… And play with office supplies.
- hunting your computer mouse – hiding paperclips
- Meowcrosoft Word proficient – power napping
- warming your keyboard – boosting your productivity
Other Things You Should Know:
- Open availability besides when it’s nap time.
- Nap times happen any time I say they happen.
- If you NEED things passive-aggressively pushed off the edge of your desk, I’m your man; I’m a cat after all!
- I’ll give you attention when I need it, but I am a quiet and keep-to-myself kind of guy. I mostly just entertain myself!
Pay Rate:
$0/hr (my adoption (I mean ‘work fee’) is SPONSORED!
Will work for wet food.
Hello ladies. 😼 Put your stud finders away… I’m the only handyman you’ll ever need again! Let me introduce myself: I am CF516 Tamarack.
Whether you have a broken heart or you just need a manly man around the house, I’m the guy for the job. I’m a listener, someone you can share all your inner thoughts, feelings and secrets to and I won’t tell anyone. Sure, I’m looking for a forever home but I’m also respectful and I won’t interfere with your current relationship – cat or human, we all get along perfectly!
My landlord at my current bachelor pad is telling me that I need to find another lap to lay in. Do you know where I could find one?
I consider myself to be a proper gentleman and as much as I’d love to pick you up for our “date”, I don’t drive because… Well.. I’m a cat… So you’ll need to come get me. Need my address? FieldHaven Transfer Station in Paradise.
I’ll bet you want my phone number too, don’t you? (530) 783-9009.
This “date” (adoption) is sponsored so I’m basically the best bargain you could get! I even come neutered, potty trained, and with a bag of food. Woah.
*tools not included.