Midlife Moment with Ollie

You might not know it, but underneath this poised, fluffy, and strikingly handsome exterior, I’m in the midst of a midlife crisis, and unlike those cool cats in their Corvettes, I have a good reason for it. You see, I was adopted through FieldHaven back in 2010 and led the happiest of kitty lives, but then my human needed to move into a memory care unit and couldn’t bring me along – so I was returned to FieldHaven. Though I was scared in the beginning, I’m starting to come out of my fearful shell. It might take me a little time to warm up to you, but once I do, I’ll talk your ear off and tell you all about my decision not to invest in a Corvette at this time.
More importantly, I’ll head-butt you for attention and happily accept your pets and caresses. I’m eight years old, so I’m pretty sure I’m on the waning end of my midlife crisis, but I do know one surefire way to make it stop: take me home with you. What better gift could you possibly give or receive for the holidays? My adoption has been sponsored, so you’d only pay $11 for my microchip.