White Oak

Project Overview
This colony sprang up seemingly overnight after the passing of an elderly woman. The relatives turned all the cats out onto the streets where they found food and sympathy with a family. Overwhelmed and not knowing where to start they reached out and got help.
“Approximately 6 months ago, I had several feral and non feral cats roaming my neighborhood and eventually hanging around my front porch and yard. After speaking with several neighbors, nobody was exactly sure where they were coming from. It was possible they were abandoned by someone that moved out of the area. I was at a loss on how to handle the situation, so I reached out to friends and family on social media and I was given Joy at Fieldhaven’s information. She immediately had a solution and was eager to help. It’s been a process because of the weather, but I’m really proud of the work myself and my neighbors have done to help these cats in our neighborhood. Joy and her team have been so helpful in this process. Not only do they immediately respond to any messages but they always have an answer. I have learned so much from Jeanie. She has given me tips and tricks on trapping and I’m so thankful for her. 15 of these cats, once very feral, are now so friendly & loving to myself and my kids. Most of the cats actually meet my daughter at the corner of our street and walk her home. The cats in this colony were once all aggressive towards one another and now they all take turns eating and are snuggled up on my porch. These cats do not belong to any one person in my neighborhood. So, the fact that this organization has worked with all of us to have them spayed and neutered at no charge has given us the peace of mind that the colony will not become to large to take care of.”
Sonja Fleenor
“TNR works! If it wasn’t for FieldHaven and the TAMI funding, we would have well into the hundreds of cats in my neighborhood.”
Yuba City, CA
Sutter County, CA