Shasta Lake City
Project Overview
FieldHaven Feline Center (in Lincoln) learned of the Shasta Lake shelter several years ago when Margie Payne (from Glenn County) introduced us to Shad Boone and his big heart for animals.
We would take cats and kittens whenever we could. At first it was just a few kittens and occasionally a cat. It hardly seemed to make a difference in the euthanasia rate but for those animals it did make a difference. It gave the staff hope that some could be saved.
There has never been any doubt that Shad and the rest of the folks there, including Cheri care so much and want to help the animals. It’s just that funding and resources were so very limited. So, we were grateful for whatever we could help save in your community. We pledged to do more as we can.
In late 2021 Best Friends Animal Society gave FieldHaven funds that would provide us a small stipend for each cat and kitten we transferred from your shelter. It wasn’t a lot, but it would help offset FieldHaven’s expense to transfer and provide care for about 73 cats and kittens. 73 lives saved. That funding closed in late 2022.
For 2023 something even better came along. We applied for a grant from the newly funded agency Cal for All Animals. We wanted to not just transfer cats and kittens out of your shelter but prevent the births of so many kittens that flooded the shelter during kitten season – and often not making it out alive.
We received a grant for $50,000 – enough to fund almost 350 spays and neuters of local resident’s cats; up to four cats for each household in Shasta Lake City!

“My handsome boy Cooper benefited from this amazing program! Thank you so much.”
– Tammy P.

Shasta Lake City, CA
Shasta County, CA
City Limits
In progress