Pete’s Music Center Colony

Project Overview
Nestled in downtown Yuba City this is a smaller colony that has been cared for by business owners but funds were running low for the project. The TAMI grant has allowed these this colony to be managed effectively so no more kittens will be roaming busy city street.
“I just want to express how much we appreciate being able to participate in the TAMI project. Before discovering it, through FieldHaven, we didn’t have the contacts, money or resources to responsibly take care of the colony located at Pete’s Music. The colony has become fairly stable, with about 13-15, mostly males & a couple females. In 2020, we rescued & homed 5 on our own, from the colony. One mama & four kittens, born in a trash pile during COVID shutdown. In 2021, two more male kittens were rescued & homed. In 2022, a drop off across town, in 105 degree weather, we adopted her. She was tame & got her spayed. Another older male was trapped & released back into colony that same year. We knew of two pregnant females from the colony, but were unable to locate where they were born. On March 1, 2023, we found a lone kitten about 10-12 weeks old with an URI & have trapped, tamed & adopted him. He is definitely part of PMC. B/W seem to be the dominant color. Also black with white hairs strewn in the fur randomly. Again the help to get these last 10 or so trapped, fixed & returned back to the colony, is so appreciated & vital to the community welive in. I am doing what I can to provide the necessary food, water & shelter to those who call PMC home.”
Thank you! Sincerely, Pete & Janet Van Alstyne”
“I’ve truly been inspired by the way this made a difference to the areas and colonies we could touch through this grant.”
Yuba City, CA
Sutter County, CA