Planned Giving
Making a legacy gift to FieldHaven Feline Center is extraordinary and extends beyond your lifetime, commemorating your life and what is important to you. A legacy gift is an opportunity to honor what is close to your heart, what you stand for, and how you want to be remembered.
By making a planned gift, you’ll continue helping create a solution for every cat in need. Planned gifts offer you the opportunity to combine your charitable interest in FieldHaven Feline Center with estate planning options that often feature favorable financial and tax benefits.

Peace of Mind Cat Guardian Program
The Peace of Mind Cat Guardian Program (a charitable bequest program) is the way for you to ensure your cat is well taken care of in the event you pass before your cat does. While FieldHaven’s first recommendation is to identify a trusted and willing friend or family member to care for your pet after your passing, we recognize that this alternative is not always an option. The Peace of Mind Cat Guardian Program was created to help you plan for your beloved pet’s care as you prepare your estate planning.
Enrollment Form
Cat Information Form

Legacy of Love Planned Giving Program
By making a gift through your will, trust, or other financial plan, you can help cats for years to come.
What do you love most about cats? The way they live fully in the moment? How they show their affection in ways only a cat can? Their purring when they are content? Or maybe it is the way they sit on your keyboard, drink from your water glass, or help when it’s time to change the bedsheets?
Whatever your reason, your love and support for cats has already helped save the lives of thousands of cats and kittens through your generosity to FieldHaven Feline Center. We, and the cats, thank you!
If you would like information on planned giving, please contact [email protected].