This is an archived newsletter. Information featured in it may no longer be pertinent or accurate and some features may be missing.
Fall, 2006
Inside This Issue
- IAMS Grant Arrives at FieldHaven
- FieldHaven Barn and Book Sale
- FieldHaven Alumni
- Events and Adoptions
- Memorial Gifts
- Furry Companions at Golden Village
- SNAP Dollars
- New Look for FieldHaven’s Cat Trailer
- Helping Save Lives at FieldHaven
- Barn and Book Sale
- We Love Our Foster Moms (and Dads)
- Kitties Instead of Candles for Brenna’s Birthday
- Please Help Us Find Fifi and Sadie

Food arrived in two tractor trailers!
This definitely falls under the “be careful what you ask for” category! Each year at the end of the Home 4 the Holidays adoption campaign, IAMS ask participating groups to submit a summary of the success of their individual campaign. From the 2000+/- groups, they select five groups that they feel have done an outstanding job of promoting adoptions, involving the community, and educating the public on responsible pet ownership. For our 2004 campaign, we were selected as one of the five recipients to receive a $5,000 grant. Last year, the award changed significantly to 1,000-pounds of pet food, but hey, who could turn down food?! We were thrilled to, once again, be selected from all those awesome groups, shelters, rescues, etc. as one of the five recipients.

Sharing with other rescue groups.

Janice Covington and Joy Smith of FieldHaven congratulate Ann and Herman Dickson on winning the Count the Kibble Challenge.
But IAMS had something up their sleeve! They upped the ante just a bit from 1,000-pounds to 20,000-pounds of food! Holy schmoley! Ten tons! That’s a lot of kitty food! More than twenty-three pallets in two tractor trailers! Our solution was to share it all with our peers and other groups that have animal programs.
In addition, we asked some “people” groups, like Meals on Wheels and Loaves and Fishes, to join the festivities, so the pets of the people those groups help could benefit as well. To make things even more fun, we had a “Count the Kibble” contest to guess how many kibbles were in the trucks. We estimated there were 50,255,400! Our thanks to IAMS and all the great volunteers who helped with this effort.
FieldHaven Barn and Book Sale
Saturday/Sunday, September 23 to 24, 2006
7:00 AM – 2:00 PM
2754 Ironwood Lane, Lincoln, CA
Our thanks to California Storage Centers in Rocklin for donating the space to store items until the sale.

We love to stay in touch with our FieldHaven Alumni. We like to think of their Forever Home Families as an extension of our FieldHaven Family. Please drop us a line or visit our FieldHaven Alumni Facebook Page to let us know how your family members are doing.
The day my kids and I went out to meet “Mercedes,” we were greeted by a very friendly and loving cat. Mercedes loved the kids. She came out and immediately started rubbing all over the kids. We were all in love! I have young kids, and to see a cat interact so well with them just amazed me. That was it: we had to bring Mercedes into our home. From the moment she was brought into our home, she has fit right in. We brought Mercedes in and put her in the laundry room until she was used to us and her new home. We quickly learned this clever girl knows how to open doors for herself! We have French style door knobs on our doors and she will jump up and pull down and the door will open, so when we put her in the laundry room, she would just about beat us back out!
She loves the kids so much; she sleeps with my oldest daughter, who is five years old. When any of my children cry, she just has a fit and gets right up in their face and tries to see what is wrong with them. She will not leave their side until they are done crying. In the evenings, once the girls are in bed, she will chose to be with my husband or I in our laps getting her love and affection or wanting to play with her favorite toy. We laugh because she can jump really high when playing with her favorite toy and we ask her, “Mercedes, do you have your Nikes on?” She loves to chase the little balls with the bells in them around the house. If you roll them she will chase them and throw them around. Thank you, FieldHaven, for giving us the chance to adopt such a fun, loving, and sweet cat. She has so much character. She is truly a delight to have in our home.
Judi Leazer

Barn and Book Sale
Saturday/Sunday, September 23 to 24, 2006
7:00 AM – 2:00 PM
2754 Ironwood Lane, Lincoln, CA

PetSmart Adoptions
2nd and 4th Saturdays of each month
10363 Fairway Drive, Roseville, CA

Sun City Lincoln Hills Adoptions
October 6, 2006
11:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Lincoln, CA

Junior Volunteer Meetings
First Saturday of each month
Contact Peri at [email protected] for times
2754 Ironwood Lane, Lincoln, CA
Memorial Gifts
- Frances Apa in memory of Jodie Decker
- Sharon Kurth and Marie Salers in memory of Jodie Decker
- Norma Smith in memory of “CeCe”
- Joy Smith in memory of “Levi”
- Jan Norris in memory of “Levi”
- Diane Vance in memory of Mrs. Inoue
By Peri Oldham, Volunteer Coordinator
Golden Village Apartment Complex is a “no pets allowed” community on 1st Street in Lincoln. While the “no pets” rule applies to most residents, some are able to have small companion pets, such as cats and dogs, with a written prescription from their doctor. FieldHaven applauds Golden Village’s policy that all companion animals must be spayed or neutered and for their understanding of the healing powers of pets. When FieldHaven won the Furry Friends award from Iams, we wondered what we would do with 20,000 pounds of cat and dog food. It was quickly decided to share the bounty with local rescue groups, shelters, human support groups with feeding programs for their pets such as Meals on Wheels and Loaves and Fishes, and our companion friends at Golden Village Apartments.
In early June, Junior volunteer Alexis Arancibia, her father, fellow volunteer Jaime and Volunteer Coordinator Peri Oldham ventured to the apartment complex for a visit to former FieldHaven resident Clarisse the cat. Clarisse instantly fell in love with her new family and closest companion Carmen when adopted last fall. She quickly advanced to “queen” status in the household and runs the show with her demands for love, attention and treats. The volunteers from FieldHaven went door-to-door visiting the residents and taking a survey of who had companion animals. At first, the residents were cautious about our presence, but that quickly turned to gratitude when they discovered we weren’t asking anything from them, but rather wanted to share our bounty of Iams food with them. On July 5th, that bounty was delivered.
FieldHaven is glad to have established a relationship with Golden Village, the residents and their companions. It helps in our efforts to spread the good news about the healing power of pets, the education of responsible pet ownership, and the importance of spaying/ neutering of animals. Thank you, Golden Village, for your friendship.

Sam, Alexah, and Jenny: FieldHaven ambassadors.
Youth volunteers Jenny and Sam Keck and Alexah Phillips have a simple yet very effective way of educating Lincoln residents about the importance of spaying and neutering and collecting funds for FieldHaven’s SNAP kitty (kitty as in bank account). They set up a table outside a local store and simply talk to people as they’re going in and out of the store. They hand out brochures, ask if all their pets are spayed or neutered, and request a spare dollar to help fix a Lincoln feline. They always bring back enough donations to spay or neuter several cats. If you see these girls doing their thing, stop and chat with them for a minute!
Stop by and see the beautiful “new look” Cat Trailer. Thanks to FieldHaven volunteers and a generous donation from Masco Paint to paint and spiff up the exterior of the shelter. Our wonderful volunteers worked hard on a very hot day, and the result is a beautiful and soft sage green cat trailer.

We are always in need of volunteers and donations at FieldHaven. Here are few ways you can help that you may not have thought of:
Sponsor one of our Sanctuary Cats by providing a regular donation towards their care. These are special felines that are not likely to be adopted (but we never give up hope), and we’ve promised them lifelong care and love at FieldHaven. You can help make a difference by sponsoring their care. Check our website or contact FieldHaven to see how you can become a sponsor.
Donate just 2 hours of your time 1 Saturday morning a month. We’re always looking for help with feeding kitties and cleaning up the Cat Trailer on Saturday mornings. As a special bonus you get lots of kitty love!!
Save your printer cartridges and cell phones so we can turn them into $$$. We participate in the Cash for Critters program to recycle. Do something good for the environment and the kitties!
Mr. Carr & Dana – FieldHaven residents looking for sponsors

Treasures Abound!
Books and videos/DVDs, hand or garden tools, sporting goods, toys, clothing, household furnishings, small electrical appliances, office furniture or supplies FieldHaven supervisor Louise reviews and approves donations for the barn sale.
We only have room for a limited number of cats and kittens at the shelter with at least half of our kitties finding their temporary home in foster homes. Our Foster Program is key in ensuring that our kittens and cats received extra special care before being adopted into their permanent homes.
Find out more about our foster program here or calling (916) 434-6022.
FieldHaven Adoption Hours
Monday – Friday: 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Saturday: 12:00 PM – 4:00 PM
Closed Sundays
Brenna Wilder asked if she could host her birthday party at FieldHaven and she asked her friends to donate to FieldHaven instead of buying her presents. Thanks Brenna and friends!

Fifi and Sadie’s Story
FiFi and Sadie were found abandoned in a carrier placed in the driveway of a Sun City Lincoln Hills resident.
The following anonymous note was attached:
“I am unable to care for my two cats which I have had all their lives. Enclosed is $100 to help defray costs you might incur. I apologize for doing this and am having someone else drop them off as I did not have the heart. I leave it up to you as to their fate and hope and pray they will be treated as humanely as possible. Dark grey cat’s name is FiFi. She is 16 years old and a little feisty. Health is good but seems to be losing weight lately. She has been declawed in front and has been a house cat all her life. Grey and white cat is Sadie, she is 11 years old and shy. Not sure on her health. Think her front teeth need work and she may have an internal problem like urinary or something. She also has her front paws declawed and has never been outside. They were pretty much my wife’s cats. My wife passed away and I just am unable to care for them. Again, I apologize for placing this burden on you.”
FiFi and Sadie were taken to a local veterinarian who contacted FieldHaven. Lab tests and examinations revealed both cats have medical issues that are typical of older cats and are in need of dental work. We will provide them with the necessary care but your help is needed to cover the cost of their veterinary care.
Both girls are in a foster home being loved and cared for but they miss their mom very much. While no one can replace her, we hope a loving home can be found where Sadie and FiFi can feel safe and loved. Arrangements can be made with FieldHaven to assist in their ongoing medical care. You can help Sadie and FiFi by making a donation and telling this story to everyone you know; maybe you know the perfect person to take FiFi and Sadie into their home and heart!