12 Saves of 2023 #2: Glitch

12 Saves of 2023 #2: Glitch

When Glitch came to FieldHaven Feline Center in March, he was a tiny little fella with the biggest, most charming personality. He had some potty problems that we thought were no big deal, but we quickly realized that we were wrong.

Glitch soon became our most popular story because of his problem. He also gave us the opportunity to use one of the most laughable emojis in every single social media post.

Glitch needed a new… butt. Well, butthole. Basically. And because there’s no fun way to talk about poo (insert the emoji that we *want* to use but can’t in email), we’ll just be straight with you.

Glitch was and is an adorable fluffy foster kitten who is literally a pain in the butt. He was born with a butthole that was too small. We tried enemas, anti-inflammatories, and more. He had weekly vet visits for x-rays and to get “cleaned out” which, as you can imagine, was not fun for anyone. Glitch was an expensive kitten, but thankfully, all of you cared quite a bit about his butthole, and thanks to your support, you allowed us to give him the BEST quality of life!

But then, a setback. Glitch was diagnosed with FIP, a disease that was once considered 100% fatal and is now treatable and curable. The good news? Just recently, Glitch was officially deemed cured!

That’s not all. His overall health is good, his priceless butt and daily affairs are – dare we say – normal thanks to some medication, and he is thriving.

Glitch is somewhat of a miracle, and his life mattered to us. His life was and is worth saving.

Today, he’s just as charming. He shows appreciation to everyone with his endless love. He will soon be available for adoption, and while our team will go over his daily meds to keep his butt in check, we promise he is worth it. His life expectancy is good, he’s happy, and Glitch is a true survivor who completely turned his you-know-what around to live a better life.

We know this is comical, but at the same time, we took this seriously. Once we knew he would be OK, we had fun with it. YOU had fun with it—your donations saved Glitch’s butt!

As he’s experiencing his first holiday season, we are so happy to not find little coal nuggets under the tree…

Happiest of PAWlidays,
– Joy Smith, executive director of FieldHaven

Spread Holiday Cheer: Donate Today!

P.S. On a serious note, poo is actually a very important thing for any kitten because it will reveal a lot about their health.

P.P.S. If you’d like to see if you could be the one for Glitch, fill out an adoption application form so we can get started!

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