Mamoa is Making Waves After Leaving Maui!

Remember Mamoa? We shared his adventure as a Maui wildfire survivor after he took a plane ride to Sacramento last week. Well, since then, he’s only continued to make waves, and he’s paw steps away from the happy ending he deserves!
First, People Magazine covered his story. This of course was very cool, and we are so thrilled that they mentioned FieldHaven directly! You can read that article here.
Mamoa then had an overwhelming number of wonderful people apply to adopt him. We’re happy to announce that his new family will be meeting up with him next week! Terri’s 91-year-old mom, Jo, sent an adoption survey for Mamoa, applying on behalf of Terri. They live together and Jo felt it was time for Terri to have a new feline in her life. Her heart is still hurting over the loss of her kitty Maui (yes!) to brain cancer. Terri was ironically in Maui for work so we got to meet her. Not only is she a great fit for Mamoa, but she volunteered at the Annex Recovery Center while visiting, too! We’ll be sharing that adoption story when it happens on our social pages, so be sure to watch for it!
Read the article here: Rescue Cat Named Mamoa Heading to California to Find a Home After Surviving Maui Fires